Topic: Joe's 1968 Marshall Plexi settings

I have a Metro 1969 Superlead and I was wondering last night during rehearsal what Joe would set my amp like if he was in the room (dreams... dreams...).

I have tried two different approaches with good results.
1. Presence 3 Bass 2  Mid 10 Treble 5 Channels bridged, both on 8 (I use an Alex's attenuator, don't worry...) Fulltone FD2, BYOC Tremolo.

2. Presence 1  Bass 4  Mid 9  Treble 4  Channels bridged Volume 1 on 6 Volume 2 on 9, Treble booster, BYOC Tremolo.

I will soon add an FX loop to my Metro so that I can add a reverb and DD-3 to my sound...

Has any of you any idea of his Superlead and Superbass settings?
Thanks a lot!

Re: Joe's 1968 Marshall Plexi settings

I know that Joe runs into the Volume 2 input on his Cat 5.

Re: Joe's 1968 Marshall Plexi settings

Thanks, that's an interesting piece of information...  smile

Re: Joe's 1968 Marshall Plexi settings

Didn't Joe once say that he does that so he can get that dark sound Paul Kossoff had from free?

Re: Joe's 1968 Marshall Plexi settings

Yea, it has less top end when you use the top right input.

Re: Joe's 1968 Marshall Plexi settings

here's Joe's answer

there are also some cool informations smile

Re: Joe's 1968 Marshall Plexi settings

Great, thanks! I wonder how I missed those threads...  hmm

Re: Joe's 1968 Marshall Plexi settings

Joe've mentioned somewhere that on Heartbreaker he used his super bass. So i think that he used the bright input because it sounds very Kossoff-ish. smile That's the tone I'm using now( i've got a superlead/bass copy 50 watter) the maxon TS-9 and the low input of Bright channel pres 3 bass 5 mids 6 trebs 4 volumes both 7,5. For Joe's tone I was setting my amp like that pres 5 bass4 mids 7 trebs 4 vols also 7,5( mine copy has got a master volume on a back) and a high normal input  but in the band I'm playing now we've got another guitarist and the dark sound didn't cut through and the whole band sounded crappy.