Topic: Colt 45 @ Mr Kyps!

Hey all, apologies for not being on here so often any more  hmm Over the past couple of months,, I've hardly used the internet, and only really been on facebook a few times a week when someone's tried to contact me or for something band-related...
Basically, we've had to get our heads down a lot now, constantly trying to promote ourselves, getting gigs, and more importantly, writing in the studio!

This, and, I almost had to tell myself off a few weeks ago, when I got some A-Level Results back from some module exams in January... For Maths, Physics, and Further maths, I got grades B, U, and U respectively,, so thing's weren't good  hmm This was the biggest wake-up call I've ever had, when I thought to myself (as Joe would say): 'Self',, you only have one chance in this education - as much as you can go back and try again at college, you just need to achieve and not procrastinate... So it's been a case of doing as much work as I possibly can, revising, revising, revising, and working, working, working... And hey, along the way, it's motivated me to practise guitar even more and write some slightly more adequate songs  lol

So again, sorry for my absense... It's only been recently that I've just felt like I'm working myself a little 'too' hard, and thought I need some self-time, and time to actually socialise more again  lol And boy, this place was something I really had missed, so I'll make SURE I get on here far more often, and start posting more again!
I've been posting more over these past few weeks, as I got MAAAJORLY excited over the release of Dust Bowl, which I just have to say, bar 'You & Me', it has to be Joe's Best work to date  cool

Now on the subject of the man himself, it gives me great pleasure, to remember a night back in August 2007, when I was able to catch Joe at a local venue of mine: Mr Kyps, in Poole, which Joe actually refered to as 'his spiritual home',, this was the first time I ever saw him live, and I was AMAZED - it was this night, that I was truly inspired to work harder at the guitar, and I feel I would'nt be where I am today, if it weren't for him... So, when I found out that my band, Colt 45, will be playing there THIS Friday?!?!?! Well, my heart jumped with joy, and I'm pleased to announce, that this Friday, we will finally be making our first performance there!!/ev … 3914040024

Entry before 9PM is FREE! So if you'd like to come down, then anytime before 9, and you don't have to pay a penny smile

We're on at the hour, 9PM til 10 smile Followed by Seargent Peppers Only Dartboard Band (Guess the tribute  wink  )

So anyone in the area, we'd be HONOURED for you to come along! We need a big turnout, and for it to be a place Joe once played... THREE times I believe! Well, it just means the world to me smile

Thank you smile


Jamming with Joe and Bernie Marsden:

Re: Colt 45 @ Mr Kyps!

We'll try to be there Rus to support you and the band!  What a thrill for you to play the same stage as Joe did.  Hope the same success rubs off on you guys.  But, have to correct you as he played there FOUR times, not three.

See you on Friday!

Re: Colt 45 @ Mr Kyps!

Thank you Lyn smile Although it's just a support slot,, it still feels a bit special finally getting to play there  big_smile  And it was 4 times? Haha! Never knew that smile I knew about '05, and twice in '07,, when was the other one?

Would love to see you there though! Thank you!  smile


Jamming with Joe and Bernie Marsden:

Re: Colt 45 @ Mr Kyps!

RusScagell wrote:

Thank you Lyn smile Although it's just a support slot,, it still feels a bit special finally getting to play there  big_smile  And it was 4 times? Haha! Never knew that smile I knew about '05, and twice in '07,, when was the other one?

Would love to see you there though! Thank you!  smile


We're DEFINITELY coming.  A guy at work who's a big fan of yours (yes, you have a few!) is going to see you at The Sloop on Saturday but if he can make Friday as well he will.  In the meantime I'll see whether I can find something to put on our works kitchen noticeboard.  The word FREE should do it  wink

Joe played at Mr Kyps on 14 February 2006 ... that's the date of my Bonabaptism so will always be fixed in my mind!

Re: Colt 45 @ Mr Kyps!

good to hear from you Rus. I always said when my schedule was packed, I got more done because the time was structured, no time to goof off. sounds like school has helped the music, now if the structured time could help in your studies it would also be cool. I can see why you would be excited to play there, hope it goes well and you have a good turnout. keep us posted when you can, good luck with all.


As corn through a goose, so are the days of our lives