Ok - just tried Joe's settings - I get it now - holy smokes. "Clean Crunch" Green channel all the way (unless of course Joe chimes in and corrects me). Volume/tone control manipulation is a MUST. With the knobs on 10 it was too gained out...at 4-6 on both I had all the control I needed and man what a tone! I just wasn't gassing it hard enough before I guess.
About 6 weeks ago I spent over $200 on Genelex Gold Lion tubes and up until today was a tad underwhelmed. Not anymore - this amp flat out howls! Maybe tomorrow I'll post some clips of me playing some BCC riffs if I can muster up the cahones. The JB FUzz on top pushing it over the edge sounds....very
Gits: '03 Gibson Historic R7 Goldtop, '06 Gibson R8 Plaintop, MIJ '62 RI Strat, and others...
Amps: '99 Marshall 1987x Plexi RI, 1969 Fender Super Reverb
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