Re: Banner at Westbury N.Y.

RickB wrote:

Montreal knows about Joe now! Woke up Dreaming now. The Banner, Gloria, me, a half hour Joeshow! WOW!

Not to suck the vibe outta this, but Montreal definitely has known about Joe for a while.  He was more well known in Montreal by far than here when I got here.  That said, great publicity all around for Joe Bonamassa and Bonamassamania, THAT is the intent!

Rock ON & Keep the Faith,

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Banner at Westbury N.Y.

Fly that Freak-In Flag!

Rock ON & Keep the Faith,

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Banner at Westbury N.Y.

Hah! The guy that won the JB Epiphone and meet with Joe for the signing in Montreal doesn't even play! lol
The Banner will be going on to Ottawa next after the Montreal show.  smile

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