I have the worst luck buying tickets, which I usually do online. I called the phone number at 9:50 just to see if I was in the right screen and to ask if orchestra pit was too close. (because it dips down there) The guy offers to get me the best seats, BUT he's new on the job (I now find out) and he told me AA was against the stage, so I ended up with BB 107 & 108. I didn't look up the diagram because he said he'd get me the pit. (mistake & frustrating since I've been to the Academy several times) Oh well...
I bought 4 extra tickets: 2 in CC and 2 in row A, for anyone who missed the pre-sale. I thought CC was 3rd pit and A was first row after the pit, but they are still great seats.
Live & Learn
Blind Dog- how did you know about the pre-sale? Was it posted anywhere on the forum?
StringsforaCURE~Helping cancer patients one STRING at a time.