Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

susan wrote:

Very happy for Greg Allman. 

Gregg Allman’s Low Country Blues Debuts At #5 on the Billboard Top 200 this week.  cool … ;aid=98364

That is great to hear! Went to Best Buy this afternoon to take care of a few things and had hoped to pick up the CD. Alas, it's Best Buy. They'll have it for me next week. Looking forward to it!

Official Webmaster of WWW.ERICGALES.NET

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

He was rather candid in the bits of the interview I read.  He can SING.  His mentor Floyd Miles is my home boy in Daytona Beach.  Such a long time ago they ran wild in the streets...  wink  even 'crost de tracks.

Good for him! I say.  I'll buy this one I reckon.


BTW:  nice review, Rick

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

bigjeffjones wrote:

He was rather candid in the bits of the interview I read.  He can SING.  His mentor Floyd Miles is my home boy in Daytona Beach.  Such a long time ago they ran wild in the streets...  wink  even 'crost de tracks.

Good for him! I say.  I'll buy this one I reckon.


BTW:  nice review, Rick

Floyd sang a few great tunes at the Gregg Allman solo tour show I mentioned Joe coming over with Goldie to say thanks for coming, hi, and shake hands.  Floyd can sing too!!! He'd literally run out, sing his heart out and his rear, well weren't one anway, butt then run hisself right backstage again.  As I said, this album already on the Best of 2011 list for me.

Rock ON & Keep the Faith,

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Paul Jones on BBC Radio 2 has "An in-depth interview with Gregg Allman, plus tracks from his new album and Allman Brothers classics." on Monday at 7.00pm UK time. You'll be able to hear it here. I definitely will be.  smile


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Bump  big_smile  Don't forget this tonight.  wink


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

UK Tour Dates

Fri July 1 London Barbican
Sat July 2 Birmingham Symphony Hall
Mon July 4 Dublin Grand Canal Theatre
Wed July 6 Edinburgh Usher Hall

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

I have a copy of this forgetable effort. In actuallity this is another T Bone Burnett project featuring Gregg just like the Plant/Alison Kraus project. Why doesn't T Bone just put his own name on these discs and say featuring......? IMHO.

                                                                                                                         Think Sheen,

                                                                                                                         J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

I got to hear Greg overview the album w/ Bill Wax on XM/Sirius Radio.  Just a fantastic guy ..... taking me back to my youth.  I will be buying his new CD.

Bill Wax is a national blues treasure, imho.  smile

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

German Tour Dates:

10.7. Bonn Museumsplatz Festival
12.7. München Tollwood
13.7. NÜRNBERG, Löwensaal
15.7. Tuttlingen, Honberger Sommer
16.7. Burg Herzberg Festival


Rock On and Keep the Faith

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Unlike J Dawg, I wouldn't say Low Country Blues is forgettable, but it ain't exactly unforgettable either. Stuck in first gear is probably a good description. I'm probably missing the point as it is a Blues album in the truest sense. Neverthless, I am going to see Gregg in London on Friday for the first night of his UK tour and now I've seen these videos from only 3 weeks ago, I'm looking forward to it immensely. ABB (and Zeppelin) were always my favourites when I was a teenager and if Gregg plays these on 1st July it will be a very emotional night for me. ABB have only played the UK once and it seems ironic that within the space of less than one week I will have seen 3/7th of ABB in London. Why can't they all come over and play some dates? sad

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these as much as I did. I was pretty choked and couldn't speak while I watched. Just a shame that some of the "fans" in Syracuse weren't similarly affected. mad

I don't know who's in his band, but as you'd expect they are top musicians.

Dreams: … re=related

Melissa: … GI6gDB6wXg

These Days: … mrmWkIUTm4

Just Another Rider: … hL1hjuU-6g

Please Call Home: … 41eFG28V1Y

Whipping Post: … H4XvJqPm-A

A very jazzy Staesboro Blues: … zFTlKWOSQw

We're 5th row centre so hope to be able to report back here with some happy memories of Friday's show. Anyone else going to this or any other shows?


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Wooders wrote:

Unlike J Dawg, I wouldn't say Low Country Blues is forgettable, but it ain't exactly unforgettable either. Stuck in first gear is probably a good description. I'm probably missing the point as it is a Blues album in the truest sense. Neverthless, I am going to see Gregg in London on Friday for the first night of his UK tour and now I've seen these videos from only 3 weeks ago, I'm looking forward to it immensely. ABB (and Zeppelin) were always my favourites when I was a teenager and if Gregg plays these on 1st July it will be a very emotional night for me. ABB have only played the UK once and it seems ironic that within the space of less than one week I will have seen 3/7th of ABB in London. Why can't they all come over and play some dates? sad

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these as much as I did. I was pretty choked and couldn't speak while I watched. Just a shame that some of the "fans" in Syracuse weren't similarly affected. mad

I don't know who's in his band, but as you'd expect they are top musicians.

Dreams: … re=related

Melissa: … GI6gDB6wXg

These Days: … mrmWkIUTm4

Just Another Rider: … hL1hjuU-6g

Please Call Home: … 41eFG28V1Y

Whipping Post: … H4XvJqPm-A

A very jazzy Staesboro Blues: … zFTlKWOSQw

We're 5th row centre so hope to be able to report back here with some happy memories of Friday's show. Anyone else going to this or any other shows?


Lucky you Phil!  Can't wait to hear all about it ... I've loved Gregg Allman all my life!


I know a place ....

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Looking forward to your unbiased??? review Phil in advance of me seeing him in Edinburgh on 6 July.


31 (edited by gsj 2011-06-27 16:23:42)

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

I love it, great album. But then I think that the Tedeschi/Trucks album is great too and quite a few thought that was stuck in 1st/2nd (whatever) gear as well. One man's groove is another man's low gear........or is you all on speed smile

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

gsj wrote:

I love it, great album. But then I think that the Tedeschi/Trucks album is great too and quite a few thought that was stuck in 1st/2nd (whatever) gear as well. One man's groove is another man's low gear........or is you all on speed smile

Yeah, I posted the first review when the pre release came out and warned it was pure roots. I still have it on regular rotation. Not tired of it yet and the wife just loves it too. If I haven't played it lately she's asking for a repeat.

Free download from Vienna!
Lots of unique videos of Joe
Buy Joe's merchandise here. … hp?id=1381

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

RickB wrote:

I still have it on regular rotation.

Same with me. Could become an all time classic. I´m happy to see him live in two weeks.

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Just been to the venue and sat in my seat for tonight's show while the stage was being set up. Shame I was a couple of hours too early for the soundcheck. sad

It'll be the first time I've been to a show at The Barbican, which is primarily an orchestral concert venue. It seats just over 2,000, has great views from all areas and I've heard the sound is pretty good too. If I win tonight's £136m Euromillions lottery I'll book the hall for Joe to put on a private gig for us all. big_smile


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Wooders wrote:

It'll be the first time I've been to a show at The Barbican, which is primarily an orchestral concert venue. It seats just over 2,000, has great views from all areas and I've heard the sound is pretty good too. If I win tonight's £136m Euromillions lottery I'll book the hall for Joe to put on a private gig for us all. big_smile


Sounds like a great idea Phil ... maybe Gregg Allman could join Joe for this private gig! ;-)


I know a place ....

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Great album.
When I listened to it first in April I thought, okay not bad.
But this album gets better and better. Love to hear it when I drive some miles to a concert.
My favourite tracks are: Rolling stone, Floating Bridge and Just another Rider
And there's only one track that's not my cup of tea, but I don't switch to another.

So far the album is in my top 10 in 2011.
But this year it will be hard race.
So many good records have been released and so many announced for the second half of the year.