Topic: Brady Theater


I drove up from Texas with my 22 yr old son & his girl friend.
This was my second show.
My wife and I drove from Texas to the Huntsville Alabama show last Nov,
It was worth every mile. There was an asian man setting behind us , He also drove in from Texas.

The Tulsa show was amazing, It was apparent that Joe was having a good time with the drummer,
That really added to the entertainment !

My sons'  friend said she was not expecting anything even close to the level of talent of Joe!

We are going to pay closer attention for thye next time he comes to Texas, But I will most likely
go back to Tulsa also, That place really Rocks!

Re: Brady Theater

Glad to hear you enjoyed the show(s)! And welcome to the forum.  cool

- Paul

"It's really liberating to not know you can't do something." - Stevie Ray Vaughan
My photos:

Re: Brady Theater

Another great performance by Joe on Sunday night! My third Joe concert and now I'm beginning to feel like an old-timer! Bought six tickets for the show including two front row seats. Deposited my kids and two of their friends in the four fifth row seats while one of the dads and I proceeded on to the front. And what front row seats they are at the Brady ... you're so close to the stage you can actually rest your cup of beer on it (of course, with security sitting directly to my right, I placed mine carefully under my seat). However, the downside for us was that our seats were located in the far right  corner of the stage directly in front of a bank of enormous speakers that scared the bejesus out of me when I realized what it was! In fact, my right ear was no more than three feet away from that monster! Luckily, I'd had the good sense to purchase a pair of cheap ear plugs ("just in case") at Larsen Music in OKC on Saturday, and this turned out to be the best $5 investment I've ever made. The show started "late" a few minutes after 8 with Joe entering from stage left with a broad smile on his face, smartly clad in jacket, jeans, and loafers. He then launched into Cradle Rock which should have been very familiar to everyone in my group since I'd regaled them on the 90-plus mile drive up to Tulsa from Edmond by playing Joe's A New Day Yesterday, Live CD. The set list appeared to have been the same as the one posted for the Albuquerque show (sans "Blue and Evil"). The highlights of the show for me were "So Many Roads" (this Joe staple, with its soulful lyrics and soaring guitar solos definitely grabs your attention and sets the tone for the rest of the show), Slow Train, and Young Man Blues (great chemistry between Joe, Tal, and Carmine!). Halfway through the show, Joe reminded the crowd that the last time he played the Brady ten years ago, he was billed not by name but as " ... and support!" Joe's shy, good-natured banter is always well-appreciated by his audience and he could probably do a bit more of it.

Truth be told though, the sound was a bit distorted where I was sitting, probably due to my being seated directly in front of the speakers with plugs in my ears! Since the chances of me ever landing front-row seats again to see Joe in concert are vanishingly slim, I tried to take advantage of my prime location by shooting lots of pics with my Canon point-and-shoot and hoping for the best. Seated as I was on the right side of the stage, I enjoyed a somewhat different perspective of things than if I'd been sitting in a more central location, including a lot of the left side of Joe's face! However, I did manage to squeeze off a few decent shots. After the show was over, I asked my hitherto less-than-enthusiastic 17 year-old daughter what she thought of it. Her grudging reply was, "Some parts were good". Yeah, right! My daughter's opinion notwithstanding, I know that my son and the other two boys really enjoyed the show, especially the show-stopping "Woke Up Dreaming" (this song earned Joe a standing ovation). In fact, they couldn't stop raving afterwards about Joe's amazing "fretwork"!

Anyway, it was another tremendous performance by Joe and here are a few pics that commemorate the experience ... enjoy! … JSz_9jZMQ#

Re: Brady Theater

From your photos I was sitting directly behind you. on the inside isle. The sound was perfect for me. You might of been closer to the stage stacked subs. My only gripe was the guy with the cane and his group getting up and down throughout the show. Gave up shooting any video because of that.

Very good shots I took a few but Tal was behind Carmine most of the time from my vantage point so appreciate the ones you got. The Brady had a lot of energy that night and the band was feeling it. Oh yes one other complaint. Hot and humid. I thought Joe was going to have to have an IV after the first song he was sweating so bad.

Re: Brady Theater

Thanks, Jim, I wish I'd contacted you before the show just so I could introduce myself to you. Yeah, Joe was really sweating it up there on the stage ... he really packs a lot of energy into each and every performance.

jim m wrote:

From your photos I was sitting directly behind you. on the inside isle. The sound was perfect for me. You might of been closer to the stage stacked subs. My only gripe was the guy with the cane and his group getting up and down throughout the show. Gave up shooting any video because of that.

Very good shots I took a few but Tal was behind Carmine most of the time from my vantage point so appreciate the ones you got. The Brady had a lot of energy that night and the band was feeling it. Oh yes one other complaint. Hot and humid. I thought Joe was going to have to have an IV after the first song he was sweating so bad.

Re: Brady Theater

This was my first Blues Rock concert, and now nothing will ever measure up to it again!
I saw the DVD for sale a while back and watched it. Then again. Then got all the albums I could find. Live is 10x better, believe it or not. Sloe Gin was absolutely fantastic, as were Slow Train and the new Dust Bowl title track. I didn't know every song, but I enjoyed every one. Preordered Dust Bowl the second I got home too

AMazingly enough, there were two empty seats directly to my left. I can't help but wonder who missed out on the show of a lifetime - even Joe thought it was one of his best ever gigs.

My name is Red. I like the Blues.

2009 Squier J-Bass, 2010 Fender CD-60, 2010 Ibanez Artcore AS-73, 2011 Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar SS Bass, 2011 Dillion Phoenix
Turn the volume to 11!

Re: Brady Theater

Welcome, redblues, and glad you enjoyed your first Joe concert! I don't think it was a sold out show though. It seemed to me that the balcony was only about half full at most. On the other hand, the James Taylor gig the night before WAS sold out so it's up to us to help get the word out about Joe!  smile 

redblues wrote:

This was my first Blues Rock concert, and now nothing will ever measure up to it again!
I saw the DVD for sale a while back and watched it. Then again. Then got all the albums I could find. Live is 10x better, believe it or not. Sloe Gin was absolutely fantastic, as were Slow Train and the new Dust Bowl title track. I didn't know every song, but I enjoyed every one. Preordered Dust Bowl the second I got home too

AMazingly enough, there were two empty seats directly to my left. I can't help but wonder who missed out on the show of a lifetime - even Joe thought it was one of his best ever gigs.