Topic: The fall of Dicky Betts

Sorry to have to post this because last time I saw him he had his s#$t together, but not any more. He was the headliner at the Tampa Bay Blues Fest. Sat pm. and the crowd was thick. His son Duane was on guitar, this 2001 Berklee College of music grad on bass, Pedro Arevalo (VERY GOOD!), Mike Kach on keyboards, Frank Lombardi on drums. Now, if it had just been them it may have worked out. (Rumor is Duane is also using)..But as soon as Dickey came out it all went to H@@l! He was off tempo. flat, and unable to finish the first few songs, Then he would stop and yell at the sound people as if the problems were their's!!! Then he spoke and it was clear he had was "under the influence". There were moments when it came together, but they were few!! Many people left in disgust! It was very sad!!! Based on his history he's headed for BIG trouble, AGAIN!!! Sad,sad,sad..........

Re: The fall of Dicky Betts

That's horrible. I hate to hear about anyone getting so lost. Hopefully, he'll get it together in time.

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