1 (edited by Roger62 2010-12-31 09:18:14)

Topic: Todd Sharpville 'Porchlight' cd

I love this cd and it is probably my favourite blues based cd release of 2010. But don't take my word for it, this is a terrific review.
http://bluesrevue.com/2010/12/the-ezine … harpville/

Re: Todd Sharpville 'Porchlight' cd

I´ve also voted it as one of the best 2010 CDs.

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Re: Todd Sharpville 'Porchlight' cd

When I first listened to this album it just didn't grab me, but I've learned not to dismiss something based off first impressions.  This was one of the last albums Greenose was praising along with other respected forum members and after giving it more listens I'm starting to hear what  the others were so excited about.  The albums (this is a double disc) are a nice mix of toe-tappin' and the soulful and I really like Todd's vocals.  The guitar playing here is without flashiness that just seems to add to the charm.  I'd give this album a 9 (out of 10).