Finally got to see the DVD (blu-ray) and I can confirm that there is no extra footage (darn!). I have watched it three times now and must say I am disappointed in Crossroads compared to the previous two.
I think Mr. Clapton needs to seek out some fresh blood. Some of the folks shown on the DVD definitely need to retire and pass on the torch. Yeah I know Hubert Sumlin is a legend, but really folks, he needs to park it and enjoy listening to others and I think he said as much.
Not to pick on him, but please has anyone really heard of Doyle Bramhall II besides at Crossroads and with EC? Joe and a number of others can just tear him up and I don't understand why he gets headline status. And what about Jimmie Vaughn? That seemed totally rude the way he walked over Robert Cray and he has never been even close to Stevie in ability.
I really enjoyed the tracks on DVD two with Derek Trucks, Warren Haynes and company. Probably the best thing on the DVDs.
Obviously Eric doesn't want to deal with the three day blowout the first Crossroads was. Probably way too much work and logistics involved and that is fine, but pick a better location if for no other reason than the weather, and really think about who is invited.
Maybe those who were there have a much different opinion, but based on the DVD performances, for the most part all I can say is booring with a few glaring exceptions. And lose Bill Murray as host(?). Ugh. How could he say they were finally getting to the good stuff right after Trucks and company were on? Please. If that was actually the sequence he should be drawn and quartered at the very least.
Maybe next time (if there is one).
Nothin' but the Blues