Topic: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Recorded this past Friday night at the Cadillac Joe Memorial Winter Festival... cool

"Boom Boom"

""Hypnotize" and "Stoop Down"


Joe is the Best!

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

That's some wicked slide on that cigar box git Roy. I get his promo feeds and he can Play! Your little northwoods secret.

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Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Thanks Roy for the videos!

I love these guys, I wish I could have made it out to their show in Madison last weekend. I was lame and was worried about the snow that really never came:(

How was the show?

4 (edited by BluesMan 2010-12-13 08:24:50)

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Hey Rick, I've been trying to turn our "northwoods secret" into not so much of a secret. I met Aaron about a year and a half ago at a festival and we just seemed to hit it off. I was extremely impressed by his playing, unique voice and showmanship. He's only 26 years old, but carriers himself in a much more mature way. Plus, he's just a down to Earth great guy. Anyway, since that time we've become good friends and a couple of weeks ago he asked me if I would film this benefit show which is honor of his father whose name was "Cadillac Joe" Andersen. He passed away a couple of years ago from a rare form of cancer. So, needless to say, I was honored to have Aaron ask me to film and hang out with the guys. These guys are really, really great and I hope I can help them get the exposure they need. cool

Musiclova, The show was absolutely great! There were four bands totoal with Aaron and the Hoodoo headlining. Lot's of dancing and celebrating amongst the crowd and what struck me most was how wide the range of ages the people were. There were some very young people in their early 20s and also plenty of old farts like me too. Everyone was having a blast! By the way, the snow did come down in Madison. When I left the club at about 2:30 AM, there was a lot of fluffy white stuff that had come down. Took a very slow and slippery ride back to the hotel. I think it snowed most of the night as it was still snowing when I got up to drive back home in the morning. Fortunately, once I got a little east of Madsion, the interstate was clear. smile

Here's a couple more tunes...

"Wrong Me"

"Porterhouse 650"

And pictures from the night: … 534722884/

At the end of the pictures there are several shots of Aaron removing his strings. Aaron was one of the first people who gave me his used strings for "StringsforaCURE" and the jewelry made from that first set sold out right away. So now I'll have another set to send to Elisa Guida who heads up that organization and makes the jewelry. Like I said before, Aaron is a great guy!!


Joe is the Best!

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Thanks Roy! Now i'm even more pissed that I didn't go. You pretty much have said what I've seen with Aaron when I've spoken with him. He's one of those guy's that makes time for everyone and he really enjoys talking and meeting with people. He's a great guitar player and they have a sound that is different, in my opinion.

It's always nice to push, plug those kinds of guys. Talent and humility is what it's all about for me. I've picked up their CD and it's good, but their CD is nothing like their live shows, they are a must see live band.

Thanks for the heads up on the Strings for a cure- i was looking for the website and I see it on your tagline. Very cool stuff, I see JB has some string jewelry for sale. Great idea!

Again, thanks for all the video's! I hope I can say I was part of the Hoodoo Army before they made it big- I'll keep pluggin em to everyone.

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Slim chance of us out west hearing him live but through you, a vicarious show is always welcome. Thanks Roy! cool

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Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Hi Roy,
If it wasn't for you, I never would have heard of this guy, Aaron is really talented. Thank you for getting his guitar strings.  He is really loved, his pieces sold immediately and Elisa got some very nice e-mails from folks. I get the feeling that some fans knew of his dad first, so there may be some very strong emotions.   Did you follow his Dad's music first? I see on the StringsforaCURE facebook that the bass player just sent his strings.

I think the best part of this forum is getting turned on to different musicians!  smile   Thanks for the links.

StringsforaCURE~Helping cancer patients one STRING at a time.

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

really good Roy, thanks. I needed a Hoodoo start to the day, even though that was yesterday. Will they ever come south either? sounds like they stay pretty close to home. I may get up that way in the not too distant future, and would love to see them. We (company) do commercial wood doors and several of our suppliers are there in WI. Not just the land of cheese, also land of wood doors. see he still has my guitar, bet his is not a reissue.


As corn through a goose, so are the days of our lives

9 (edited by BluesMan 2010-12-09 14:52:06)

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Hey, thanks Angela and Tres for the wonderful comments. smile  I know Aaron really appreciates them and on top of everything else, he is a very humble guy. He has always told me that my positive comments to him and the band mean a lot.

I know they are spreading out a bit Tres and hopefull, they'll make it further down south. They really put on a great show and any crowd I've seen them play to really enjoys itself. smile A couple of weeks ago I was at a small club in Two Rivers and the guys were having some fun. Aaron went into "Foxy Lady" and then followed it up with "The Star Spangled Banner". Wow, was that some great stuff! wink   

I was talking to Aaron a couple of weeks ago and asked when their next album would come out. He said they are going into the studio after the first of the year. I then asked him if he ever thought about a live album and he said that's what they would really like to put together, but their manager wants one more studio recording before a live one.

Unfortunately Angela, I didn't know Aaron or his father before his dad passed away. Here's an interesting interview with Aaron that I just came upon today: … -of,47943/


Joe is the Best!

10 (edited by BluesMan 2010-12-09 15:18:13)

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Forgot to mention one thing....I've ended up with an extra ticket to Joe's show in Green Bay and I offered it for free to Aaron. He too is a big fan of Joe's and I was hoping that I could get the two of them together to introduce Aaron to Joe. Maybe they could talk guitars? wink  Unfortunately, like many other days, Aaron's playing a gig that night too. Wish that could have happened. cool


Joe is the Best!

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Hello everyone,

This is Aaron Williams, Roy passed on the link to me and I had enough courage to check out what people were saying:) I don't know if it's "cool" for an artist to chime in on a thread about their music, I had no idea this was out there, let along to be mentioned on one of my idols forums. But I had to simply say thanks to you all.

Coming from an artists stand point, you all have no idea how amazing it is that there are music lovers out there with the purpose of turning their friends on to new music. This is an amazing forum/family y'all have here! It fills my heart with joy and gives us all hope that the music we love to play can make people happy and happy enough to pass it on. In all honesty that is the coolest thing an artist can ever have, money and fame are great (of course) but the smile on a fans face and the fact that you spend your hard earned money on our music and pay to watch us play is beyond me and if I could personally thank each person that has helped us along the way, I would. I can't think of any better place to be then on stage, playing my music for people that are having a good time.

I'm also amazed at the kindness of this forum, I checked around and there is very little bad mouthing of bands. As a band we all understand that music is taste and the one thing my father always preached was "play YOUR music and let the people decide." I immediately knew what he meant and have tried to do that with my music and it looks like JB fans are some of the most well versed fans I've ever run into- true music lovers.

Again, speaking from the artists point of view...big or small, we all can't thank you enough for what you do for us. Without you, we are nothing and I will never forget that.

If any of you happen to stumble upon an Aaron Williams and the Hoodoo show, please say Hi..i'm the skinny little kid hiding under my over sized fedora:)

A special thanks to my bud, Roy. A good man my friend!

Much love and respect to all of you and Happy Holidays to you and yours.


Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Aaron Williams wrote:

Hello everyone,

This is Aaron Williams, Roy passed on the link to me and I had enough courage to check out what people were saying:) I don't know if it's "cool" for an artist to chime in on a thread about their music, I had no idea this was out there, let along to be mentioned on one of my idols forums. But I had to simply say thanks to you all.

Coming from an artists stand point, you all have no idea how amazing it is that there are music lovers out there with the purpose of turning their friends on to new music. This is an amazing forum/family y'all have here! It fills my heart with joy and gives us all hope that the music we love to play can make people happy and happy enough to pass it on. In all honesty that is the coolest thing an artist can ever have, money and fame are great (of course) but the smile on a fans face and the fact that you spend your hard earned money on our music and pay to watch us play is beyond me and if I could personally thank each person that has helped us along the way, I would. I can't think of any better place to be then on stage, playing my music for people that are having a good time.

I'm also amazed at the kindness of this forum, I checked around and there is very little bad mouthing of bands. As a band we all understand that music is taste and the one thing my father always preached was "play YOUR music and let the people decide." I immediately knew what he meant and have tried to do that with my music and it looks like JB fans are some of the most well versed fans I've ever run into- true music lovers.

Again, speaking from the artists point of view...big or small, we all can't thank you enough for what you do for us. Without you, we are nothing and I will never forget that.

If any of you happen to stumble upon an Aaron Williams and the Hoodoo show, please say Hi..i'm the skinny little kid hiding under my over sized fedora:)

A special thanks to my bud, Roy. A good man my friend!

Much love and respect to all of you and Happy Holidays to you and yours.


Aaron, you are not the only artist who comes on and posts here in response to fan comments. Welcome and come back and share any time. Joe's army just loves good music from a myriad of sources as you have noted. Seasons best to you as well. You are very welcome. cool

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Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

it is way COOL to have you post here Aaron. Welcome to the forum, I know you are busy with many things but feel free to let it fly on any topic. You are so correct, this is a great family, a lot of respect for opinions and different tastes. We would love to have you come to Alabama, but Nashville would also be good. Tell me about your thinline Tele someday, I had the original '72 and sold it. This avatar here is the newer reissue I bought year before last. What is the square guitar and how did you find it? OK, I guess you should be prepared for a barrage of questions but again we do understand you have schedules to meet.


As corn through a goose, so are the days of our lives

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Aaron - Which song is your favorite off It Ain't Easy?  Mine is "No Time For Love", a good rockin' song fer sure.

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Thanks for the warm welcome!

It looks like I found a great place to talk music and gear! Two of my favorite things:)

Curby- I do love "No Time For Love" that one was written by our drummer, he's a mad man. Live, on that song he plays a 5 minute drum solo that always leaves me smiling.

Personally, my favorite tune off that CD is Hypnotize- it's more rock then blues but that groove and song idea came to me in a dream. It was the first and only time that's ever happened. I ended up waking from that dream at 3am, jumped out of bed and went straight to my guitar. It's cool you have the CD! I'm looking forward to our new CD, it's a lot more blues then our first CD and I've fallen in love with my cigar box guitar. Lots of slide coming....and hopefully a few idols will join me on the CD.

ahsmith33- I'm glad Roy pointed me here, this is a really cool forum and I'll be sure to check back. As with everyone else here i'm a huge JB fan. I saw him 10 years go in Madison, WI. I think I had just turned 15. There was probably 17 people in the bar but it is still one of my favorite shows i've ever seen. Joe kept talking about his beloved Yankee's and he kept teasing the audience he wanted to have his set done before the end of the 8th inning so he could watch the 9th. Sure enough he ended his set in the 8th! I think "A New Day Yesterday" had just come out. I still have my signed copy at home. JB is a rare talent and above that he works his **** off to get where he's at. He's an idol in a lot of ways...musically and business wise.

But back to gear! I LOVE my Thinline. Another artist I love is Tab Benoit and he plays a Thinline. I met him a while back and he let me play his and I fell in love. Before then I had been a Strat player but loved that beefy sound of a hollow body thinline. My number one is a bit of a freak. It's a Crafted in Japan body (95') but then I slapped in the ol original pickups from an old one I found that was beat to hell. It took a bit of retro fitting but worked out great. Someday I'll get the original one back up and running, but my fear is always that some one will rip it off. I run it through a 66' Super Reverb ala old Tab with a Tube Screamer. I'm all midrange:) What kind of gear are you running?

That square guitar is a cigar box guitar. The good people from Daddy Mojo gave it to me. I love that thing, it's so nasty sounding, I can't get enough of it:) I've really fell in love with it. The website is worth a visit anytime.

Thanks again! I'd be honored to answer any question y'all might have, as long as y'all answer some of mine from time to time!


Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Welcome Aaron! I've been watching you guy's for the last year and half and I love how far you've come since then. Every show is better the last. Whatever you do, stay humble and keep at it. It will come for you, I know it will.

Oh and MORE Cigar Box please. I love that tune "boom- boom."

17 (edited by Jaci 2010-12-10 09:10:39)

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

HI Aaron and welcome to the forum - you are one of my favorite musicians and friends.
Anything I can do to spread the HooDoo up here just let me know. 
We'll see you soon !   Love ya - Jacque
Sorry to hear you can't come to GB with us - wouldn't been a great time!

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: How about a little Aaron Williams & the Hoodoo to get you going today?

Welcome aboard Aaron. Always good hearing from you.

When I was a child I spoke as a child, But all I heard was how I should get ahead,
Now growing up it ain't anything but all This indecision with these debts and doubts
And worries hanging over my head. When I was a child I spoke as a child,
I wish I could remember what I said.