Thanks for the warm welcome!
It looks like I found a great place to talk music and gear! Two of my favorite things:)
Curby- I do love "No Time For Love" that one was written by our drummer, he's a mad man. Live, on that song he plays a 5 minute drum solo that always leaves me smiling.
Personally, my favorite tune off that CD is Hypnotize- it's more rock then blues but that groove and song idea came to me in a dream. It was the first and only time that's ever happened. I ended up waking from that dream at 3am, jumped out of bed and went straight to my guitar. It's cool you have the CD! I'm looking forward to our new CD, it's a lot more blues then our first CD and I've fallen in love with my cigar box guitar. Lots of slide coming....and hopefully a few idols will join me on the CD.
ahsmith33- I'm glad Roy pointed me here, this is a really cool forum and I'll be sure to check back. As with everyone else here i'm a huge JB fan. I saw him 10 years go in Madison, WI. I think I had just turned 15. There was probably 17 people in the bar but it is still one of my favorite shows i've ever seen. Joe kept talking about his beloved Yankee's and he kept teasing the audience he wanted to have his set done before the end of the 8th inning so he could watch the 9th. Sure enough he ended his set in the 8th! I think "A New Day Yesterday" had just come out. I still have my signed copy at home. JB is a rare talent and above that he works his **** off to get where he's at. He's an idol in a lot of ways...musically and business wise.
But back to gear! I LOVE my Thinline. Another artist I love is Tab Benoit and he plays a Thinline. I met him a while back and he let me play his and I fell in love. Before then I had been a Strat player but loved that beefy sound of a hollow body thinline. My number one is a bit of a freak. It's a Crafted in Japan body (95') but then I slapped in the ol original pickups from an old one I found that was beat to hell. It took a bit of retro fitting but worked out great. Someday I'll get the original one back up and running, but my fear is always that some one will rip it off. I run it through a 66' Super Reverb ala old Tab with a Tube Screamer. I'm all midrange:) What kind of gear are you running?
That square guitar is a cigar box guitar. The good people from Daddy Mojo gave it to me. I love that thing, it's so nasty sounding, I can't get enough of it:) I've really fell in love with it. The website is worth a visit anytime.
Thanks again! I'd be honored to answer any question y'all might have, as long as y'all answer some of mine from time to time!