Topic: Columbus, Ga
Well guys and gals, we just returned home from seeing Joe in Columbus, GA last night...That now makes 20+shows in 5 states and London at the RAH...All I can say is that the show just keeps getting better and better...Sound, light show and production was very professional...Joe's voice was the best I have ever heard it...And his playing was, well, forget it...6 Boan-Virgins are now all hooked...One guitar player in a band who was with us called Joe the consumate technician, entertainer and show man...Setlist:
1. Cradle Rock
2. So Many Roads
3. When the Fire Hits the Sea
4. So its Like That
5. If Heartaches were Nickels
6. Slow Train
7. Steal Your Heart Away
8. Sloe Gin
9. Ballad of John Henry
10. Happier Times
11. Never Make Your Move Too Soon
12. The Great Flood
13. Young Man Blues
14. Woke Up Dreaming
15. Mountain Time
16. Bird on a Wire
17. Just Got Paid
My high points of the night, and the neat thing is that they always seem to change for me from show to show:
Slow Train was my favorite...Joe just rocks it and the entire band has fun on this new song...Joe really sounds like a fricken train...
Ballad of John Henry...I like the new version...How can you not appreciate the 12th best rif of the century!...
Never Make Your Move Too Soon...I wish we could have got up and danced...
Young Man Blues...Joe gives Carmine a spotlight opportunity as they jammed guitar to guitar...John Entwhisle must have been proud...
Woke Up Dreaming...UNBELIEVABLE!...Different beginning...Bona-Virgins speechless!...
Just Got Paid...Probably the first time Joe has had to ask the audience to stand TWICE,,,You could tell that this was a first time crowd...
Sandi Thom was lurking stage left most of the night...She looked beautiful...Was hoping to see her during Bird on a Wire, but no such luck...
Another learning is that Joe is now very, very knowledgable on Moby Grape...LOL...
I wonder where and when we see Joe next...
Thnaks to Joe, Bogie, Carmine and Rick for another memorable evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
The Other Joe B.