Marlies (Bonapostle) pointed out Philip is playing LOGO in Hamburg on the 30th so I will be checking him out.
I'll take the ear defenders, but really, someone should be telling these guys how to do it. It just isn't necessary to blast out good music at these volumes. Has he ever thought thats why he has 'a moat' at the front of the stage?
Everyone here comments that Joe's guys seem to get it just about right and I would agree with that. But his venues are getting bigger so his sound always has to take account of that. But back in the day with him it was not necessary wear in ear protection.
I had this issue with Henrik Freischlader earlier in the year and it led to me leaving the auditorium without even hearing my favourite songs. It was THAT painful.
On Sunday in a local bar there was one of their regular 1st class sessions, featuring 2 sets by different singers with a great band of session musicians backing them. 1st song, was absolutely spot on for the size of venue. Thereafter, drums and bass was raised and then the first singer was asking for more on his monitors to compensate. As usual the bass, and bass drum concussion was flooding the room and it was clear it was too loud for the venue.
A fact clearly demonstrated when the police barged in during the second set! Later I saw it was a mate of mine doing the sound! he had no excuses. He was fading up on the lead instrument spots but overall felt it needed a boost based on what he had been doing the previous 3 nights with this band. But the venue was smaller and here was a classic case of a well mixed band sound being undermined by overenthusiastic volumes.
So I shall be interested to see Philip not just for his music but how they adapt to LOGO, which is small, with a very low ceiling. If it is headsplitting loud and there is a chance to meet him then hopefully I can tactfully mention it to him.
Be interested to see if he is an artist or a guitarist. The first will take it on board, whereas the second won't give a toss.
No Hits, No Hype.......................Classic Rock Jan 2012