Topic: Jonathan Tyler and Aaron Williams- must see live!
I just saw Jonathan Tyler and the Northern Lights last night in Madison at the Majestic Theatre. They opened up for JJ Grey and the Mofro. And JTNL put on an amazing show. Their CD doesn't do them justice- on the CD they play a lot of soft ballads but live it was kick a$$ dirty blues with a Zep and Stone cover. Jonathan can sing- boy can he sing. Great guy too- he spent 10 minutes just shooting the $hit about the road with me. Watch out for these guy's.....
I also saw one or my favorite bands- Aaron Williams and the Hoodoo at the Sun Prairie Blues Fest. It had been quite a while since I saw them and every time, they keep getting better. Aaron had a cigarbox guitar that he started the set off with, I can't remember the name of the song but he said it was going to be on their new CD- I can't wait. Another must see live.
I'm usually more amazed at the opening band or mid evening bands at festivals. The headliners usually disappoint, but it's cool coming away with some new bands to tell my friends about.