What a great night on sunday!Got back home this afternoon and just logged on to see what craic was .I was flying solo on this gig so after a quick one in the downstairs bar,headed up to row GG seat 36,a way back but the sound was great back there.I was in a similar seat to jimmygill63 looking at his viewpoint on Sloe Gin,just a few rows further back.
Cradle Rock got things off to a flyer and things bowled along-a-pace ,seeing a similar set list as described elsewhere-up to Mr Big! Hearing how joe bought the guitar then decided to give it an airing on the very stage,in the very town Paul played with Free was indeed a privelage.Think he played two more tracks-one was Young Man's Blues i think-on it.
The first time i looked at the clock was about 9-30 and wondered where the time went,then how long was left! The show was timed to perfection right up to WUD.Django,Just Got Paid et al.The lights were great too,liked the big 5cents logo on the backdrop during Heartaches ,one for us Eurphiles i think,so we knew what a nickel was?!
A great night was rounded off with a reasonable wait outside in a-surprisingly mild october night in the northeast,not a breath of wind, and Carmine was first(missed Bogie first time around!)out ,came right across the street to meet and chat,autographs etc.Seemed to form an alliance with a slightly 'refreshed' Geordie,whose constantly ringing mobile caused much amusement to us all as he fended off a family member with lots of 'I'll be home soon,on my way, nearly there'type excuses!
Rick followed soon after ,so chilled and easy to chat to,he duly signed my copy of Black Rock before Joe showed.After hearing a few tales of Free and gigs in the north during their heyday,joe made his way back to the bus,seeing as the engine was running,seemed they were only waiting for him!I asked him as he embarked as to Bogie's whereabouts,seems he was already on board-but he stepped out and asked 'Who's asking?'
but as i'd mentioned to Joe he was the only one missing from my cd cover,he kindly came out and finished the job! I said he had to hit the drums a bit harder..............AS IF HE COULD!But he said he'd try next time! And so i made my way off into the cool night air looking for a taxi rank with my cd cover sigs drying in my hand,as the bus went past,i optomistically held out my thumb to hitch a lift,and ,you know what?.............................................................................................................................................They drove right on by!
Thank you guys for a great show,your time and patience after,you consistently give of your best and we really do appreciate what you do up there for us,thank you again.
Come on you Blades!