73 (edited by Amsterhammer 2010-08-01 08:39:00)

Re: Michael Burks...

tarus52 wrote:

I would like to give a heads up on a Michael Burks' show. Michael & Eric Lindell will both be playing at the Western Maryland Blues Festival in Hagerstown MD in June 2010.....

And here's a real sweet clip of that very show!  wink

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pth9oUOZ … re=related

You can just see Tarus' hat and a touch of white hair in the lower right corner towards the end. I thought I saw Cathy's head bobbing front and center, but I'm not certain...will check with her later when she's up.

But anyway, my point was to breathe some life back into this topic because Michael is a killer live and I want to encourage anyone who has the opportunity to catch him live.  cool

P.S. A big thank you to the starter of this topic, who reminded me about Michael on FB last night.  wink

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

I have good news, and I have bad news.

The good news is that lots of Euro blues fans will have a chance to admire Michael live this fall.  big_smile I urge those of you who have not seen Michael live not to miss this opportunity. You will not be disappointed!!

The bad news is that he's coming over too late for Cathy's visit.  sad

Nov 04, 2010      Internationale Bluesdage      Odense, DENMARK     

Nov 05, 2010     Mojo Club     Copenhagen, DENMARK    

Nov 06, 2010     Blues Festivalen     Frederikshavn, DENMARK    

Nov 11, 2010     Charlotte Street Blues Club     London, UNITED KINGDOM    

Nov 12, 2010     Hooker Blues Club     Wrexham, Wales, UNITED KINGDOM    

Nov 13, 2010     Carlisle Blues Festival     Carlisle, UNITED KINGDOM    

Nov 26, 2010     Sang A Klang Club     Luxembourg City, LUXEMBOURG    

Nov 27, 2010     Hoogeveen Blues Festival     Hoogeveen, HOLLAND    

Nov 28, 2010     Goor Blues Club     Gooreind, BELGIUM

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

Charlotte Street Blues here I come

Re: Michael Burks...

It took me all evening to get this properly posted last night.  roll

For now, just enjoy Michael's wonderful tone, I will add more comments this evening!


RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

And yet another Empty Promises (of which there cannot be too many, imho)  tongue


RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

Lovely stuff George. Makes me even more p*ss*d off the London show was cancelled. Will catch him next time for sure.

Re: Michael Burks...

Your best sound to date! Great job! And Bravo for going solo, I'm proud!  cool  Cooo

Re: Michael Burks...

cathysiler wrote:

Your best sound to date! Great job! And Bravo for going solo, I'm proud!  cool  Cooo

A very belated thank you for that, Granny.  wink

I am SO %#*&ing envious of Cathy and Bob tonight, off to see Michael at the Baltimore Blues Society. Since Michael won't even be on stage before around 3am my time, I won't be able to phone in for a live hit of Michael's exquisite tone.  sad

So, Bob...you better make up for the DC fiasco with some filming and/or taping tonight, you hear?  wink

Have a great show you two, consider me with you in spirit.

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

81 (edited by cathysiler 2011-02-28 09:10:19)

Re: Michael Burks...

Another great show!!! Such a nice guy too. There were times it felt like a private show he was so close. I hope Bob posts some shots because Gear Heads will like his new custom guitar. There is film on youtube. G, you got a personal chat with Wayne and a few notes from Michael..not bad smile   Cathy

(edit - one letter)

Re: Michael Burks...

Nothing like being half asleep in the middle of the night and finding yourself on the line with a musician on the other side of the pond.  neutral  Thanks for that surprise, C.  tongue

Here are the first two films posted from that night.



RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

Here you go, Bluesdeluxe25 - loads of links to great clips - yes, quite a few here have heard of Michael and quite a few like him a lot!!

Tres, or anyone else - there is a new Michael torrent on Dime! I had to re-register yesterday, and since I was the only one leeching, my current ratio is 0.  sad  I need some more leechers, please.

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

84 (edited by ahsmith33 2011-03-24 16:10:37)

Re: Michael Burks...

thanks George for bringing this back, it was too much for me to retrieve. I am not computer savvy and don't quite understand torrents. What is this leeching ratio thing you speak of? would be glad to help if I knew WTH I was doing, as long as it doesn't involve losing blood. lol


As corn through a goose, so are the days of our lives

Re: Michael Burks...

ahsmith33 wrote:

thanks George for bringing this back, it was too much for me to retrieve. I am not computer savvy and don't quite understand torrents. What is this leeching ratio thing you speak of? would be glad to help if I knew WTH I was doing, as long as it doesn't involve losing blood. lol


I'm pretty sure your son could explain torrents to you - they are a wonderful thing, as you will find out.  wink

I won't divert this topic, but will start another in 'Off'.

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

ahsmith33 wrote:

thanks George for bringing this back, it was too much for me to retrieve. I am not computer savvy and don't quite understand torrents. What is this leeching ratio thing you speak of? would be glad to help if I knew WTH I was doing, as long as it doesn't involve losing blood. lol


By the way, Tres, did you ever suss out torrents?

Big props also to the wonderful Iron Man from Arkansas for being nominated for the Blues Foundation GIbson award!! Man, Michael gets some of the sweetest tones I have ever heard out of his LP.

If any of you have never seen Michael live, please do not miss any opportunity you might get. I promise you 110% satisfaction! cool

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

Did anybody notice that Michael Burks is on tour in Europe? Starting TODAY!

Apr 20, 2012 - Merlin Cafe & Kultur, Stuttgart, GERMANY

Apr 25, 2012 - Bayerischer Hof Club, Munich, GERMANY

Apr 30, 2012 - Clock Tower Pub, Treviglio, ITALY

May 01, 2012 - Soul & Blues Festival, Genova, ITALY

May 02, 2012 - Le Sonograf, Le Thor, FRANCE

May 03, 2012 - Il Magazzino Di Gilgamesh, Turin, ITALY

May 05, 2012 - Bluesnight, Zingem, BELGIUM

Unfortunately nothing in my area.

Re: Michael Burks...

You bet I noticed! cool

I'll be making the trip down to Belgium on May 5, that's the only do-able show for me. To anyone who has the chance to catch one of these shows - do NOT miss the Iron Man, he is one hell of a player as well as a very sweet man too!!

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

Wished there were a concert in my near of the Iron Man ...
Maybe the Moulin Blues Festival in Ospel for me: Trampled Under Foot, JD McPherson, Ben Prestage, Moreland & Arbuckle & many more. Depends a bit on the weather.

Re: Michael Burks...

Finally!! This just up..Michael Burks with Albert Castiglia joining at the end. I hope more get uploaded. smile

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … aDiyF-MU#!