Topic: question for stratpaulguy

Hi stratpaulguy, had a **## gig last night with my combo and have decided to take out my dsl however small the pub.I have seen your vids and i am interested to know your settings for the red channel for when you are playing at low volume.I will save the green channel for bigger venues.Thanks in advance Mart.

Re: question for stratpaulguy

No problem man.  I'm trying to remember the EXACT settings but I think they went something like this:

presense- OFF
treble- OFF
middle- 8
bass- 8
mid shift OUT (meaning MORE mids)
Deep Switch- engaged
volume- 2 or 3
gain- 7

This is all one the Ultra Gain 1 mode, not Ultra Gain 2.  I think the lower gain side of the red channel sounds better and has more dynamics.  It's also a tighter sound and isn't quite as compressed.  I hope this helps man, better luck at the next gig!

'67 and '74 Fender Twin Reverbs, '74 Marshall 1987 lead mkII, Metro Superlead 100. Pedals from TC Electronic, Ibanez, Dunlop, BK Butler, Electro-Harmonix, Fulltone, Maestro/Gibson, Loopmaster switching, VoodooLab, Boss. Gibson and Fender guitars, Dimarzio pickups.

Re: question for stratpaulguy

Cheers mate really appreciate that. By the way i did check out that pedal power you mentioned in a previous post.Their not cheap, best i start saving.