Topic: All Girls Gig 2011

Looks like Sandi Thom is planning one for next year. According to her Twitter page she is trying to get in touch with Shannon Curfman, Chantel McGregor & KT Tunstall.


Re: All Girls Gig 2011

Kenny wrote:

Looks like Sandi Thom is planning one for next year. According to her Twitter page she is trying to get in touch with Shannon Curfman, Chantel McGregor & KT Tunstall.


Hmmmm....... I wonder what the pecking order would be ? anyone!

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Re: All Girls Gig 2011

Miss Thom has clearly slept her way to the top, for shame lol  wink Get in there JB my son, nice one! haha

Seriously though sounds really cool, all very good perfromers. Really love Sandi's latest album, does anyone know if she already had an interest in the blues or wether Joe turned her onto it, I mean being exposed to Joes record collection and playing with people like JB and BB KIng (or was it Buddy Guy she mentioned playing with on tour with Joe?) certainly has to influence you.

I am guessing on paper KT Tunstall is the biggest name which is a shame as I like her music the least but Sandi must be right next to her and seeing as she seems to be organisng it I'm sure she could headline. KT is very talented though and I would love to hear her playing/singing true blues material, or even fully fledged country-tinged folk which seems to be her natural inclination, thankfully she seems to be heading away from the teeny-pop'ier stuff she has done. Much like Sandi I guess its just a natural progression as you grow up, to want to spread your wings artistically and not do the same manufactured crap (and in fairness neither of these ladies can ever be accused of being anywhere near the worst offender in that regards;  they always kept at least some kind of influence over their own music). Glad to see that both seem to be more than talented enough to survive on their own merits without whoring themselves to the corporate elements of the music industry.