Topic: Channel B on a DSL 100

Anyone using BOTH channels on their Marshall DSL for Blues or Blues/Rock?  I have yet to find a pedal that I like.  Currently I'm using a Fulltone FD2 Mosfet - I'm looking at the Fulltone Plimsoul, but wonder if I couldn't use the second channel for lead tone.

Re: Channel B on a DSL 100

I feel the DSLs channel switching is really hard to use. The tone change is far too drastic.
Just give it a shot I guess though. Can do no harm in testing smile

Re: Channel B on a DSL 100

I think the biggest problem with using the DSL as a channel switching amp is the fact that BOTH channels share the same EQ.  Hence the drastic'ness in tone from channel to channel.

I have used the Classic channel with a tube screamer of sorts and then channel B for lead but it takes some coaxing and trial and error until you have them both where you want them.  Assuming you are going to run the OD on both channels.

Or you could choose a channel you like, run an OD that has a BOOST on it for leads, or just a seperate booster pedal. -S.

Re: Channel B on a DSL 100

Agreed, that's pretty much what I'm doing right now is using the crunch channel with my FD2.  I've been a little unhappy with the FD2 but made some headway today with it.  I basically stripped my pedal board and just started over dialing it in.  I don't like a lot of distortion.  I use a BBE Boosta Grande in the loop for my lead volume and just need something to push the amp a little without it getting fizzy.  I think (fingers crossed) I have it now.  Was just looking into the channel B to eliminate the FD2 all together, but right now, it's still in the lineup.

helrazr84 wrote:

I think the biggest problem with using the DSL as a channel switching amp is the fact that BOTH channels share the same EQ.  Hence the drastic'ness in tone from channel to channel.

I have used the Classic channel with a tube screamer of sorts and then channel B for lead but it takes some coaxing and trial and error until you have them both where you want them.  Assuming you are going to run the OD on both channels.

Or you could choose a channel you like, run an OD that has a BOOST on it for leads, or just a seperate booster pedal. -S.

Re: Channel B on a DSL 100

I got awesome tone out of my old DSL on the Clean Crunch (green) channel and used a tubescreamer to boost the mids a bit for soloing. I recall watching a stratpaulguy Youtube vid where he used Channel 2 and got some cool (maybe a tad gained-out) lead tones. Eliminate the Fulldrive 2? Be still my beating heart!!  yikes To me the FD2 is the best all-around TS-style OD pedal for the money. It is more versaltile than a TS as it has more EQ-shaping options and the boost is awesome.

I would love to know how Joe dials in his rental DSL settings as he gets EPIC sound out of them...

Gits: '03 Gibson Historic R7 Goldtop, '06 Gibson R8 Plaintop, MIJ '62 RI Strat,  and others...
Amps: '99 Marshall 1987x Plexi RI, 1969 Fender Super Reverb

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6 (edited by stratpaulguy86 2010-09-09 11:02:33)

Re: Channel B on a DSL 100

kevman13 wrote:

I would love to know how Joe dials in his rental DSL settings as he gets EPIC sound out of them...

Joe uses the classic channel with the boost engaged and CRANKS IT UP!  The biggest problem with the DSLs for me is the shear volume you have to play them at to get "the tone".  The reason I resorted to the red channel in my videos was because I was living in an apartment at the time and need the gain/saturation at very low volumes.  With my house, I can crank it as loud as I want.

So anyways, Joe uses the green channel + boost w/ a tubescreamer to boost the gain and mids.  He runs 2 of them together, one with the tubescreamer and one without.  I can't quite remember the amp settings but I'll take a shot:

presence- 3 to 4
treble- 4 to 5
mids- 7
bass- 6
reverb (he didn't specify but I like a little 'verb probably around 3 or so)
volume- 7
gain- 6 or 7
deep switch- OFF
mid shift- OFF (the 'more mids' setting)

Tubescreamer  set to unity volume, tone around 9 o'clock to noon depending on your tastes, and gain about noon.  That got me REALLY close, especially with the DD-3 in the loop and blending with another amp.

Don't give up on the Fulldrive 2, it's one of the best overdrives out there IMO.  There's nothing wrong with relying on pedals for getting "the tone". I've always preferred the tone of the cleaner channel boosted with a pedal vs. the red channel BTW.

'67 and '74 Fender Twin Reverbs, '74 Marshall 1987 lead mkII, Metro Superlead 100. Pedals from TC Electronic, Ibanez, Dunlop, BK Butler, Electro-Harmonix, Fulltone, Maestro/Gibson, Loopmaster switching, VoodooLab, Boss. Gibson and Fender guitars, Dimarzio pickups.

Re: Channel B on a DSL 100

Justin, the tone you got in those vids was pretty sick, dude. I really liked the EJ tone with the Tube Driver as well  tongue . Kinda makes me wish I held on to the DSL after watching...

Gits: '03 Gibson Historic R7 Goldtop, '06 Gibson R8 Plaintop, MIJ '62 RI Strat,  and others...
Amps: '99 Marshall 1987x Plexi RI, 1969 Fender Super Reverb

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