Topic: Mr. Big

Check out this FB post - they're going into the studio with Kevin Shirley... Hmmmmmm... where's Joe.....

For that matter, how about a bass guitar duel between Glenn Hughes and Billy Sheehan?  tongue!/pag … 3660407149

Major Tom to ground control...

Re: Mr. Big

Wow, Mr. Big is still live & kickin'.

                                                                                         Think Green,

                                                                                         J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Mr. Big

I thought we were going to be talking about the Free song, woops roll

Guitars: 95 Les Paul Standard, Relic Strat,
Amps: 1973 Marshall JMP 50 head and Vintage Modern Cab. I use no effects other than a Cry Baby on occasions.