ok The kid is VERY GOOD. I'll say it again VERY GOOD.
He's playing a genre that I have yet to see any of the rockers on this board listen to, let alone play.
The trained monkey and memorization comments are ... I'm not sure what they are...hateful maybe? Just like the post about that's just how this forum is...
My previous post was aimed at the farley person who started the thread. We rise to that bait like a trout to a spun fly.
If I like somebody's style, I put it in the Other Artists thread and I say I like this! or Can you do this? or whatever. If you come looking for a squabble, you might just get one.
I like his style and his music. It's all the better to me because when he goofs he stops the phrase and picks back up on the one. Makes it real. He can count.
To be fair nobody here is set out to squash hopes and dreams. We just see a lot of talent accompanied with all this insane hyperbole and ridiculous comparisons. it's tiresome and the backlash is equally tiresome.
Finally. The kid is VERY GOOD. I'M impressed. I like that style. He doesn't need any BS to introduce him. I hope he does fabulously well.
Rock On & Keep the FAITH
It is
Blues From the Bottoms