Topic: Off topic
This category was started as a request from several fans that will allow you to talk about anything on your mind. It doesn't necessarily have to be JB related; it might be "off topic".........
Even though this is designated to discuss non JB topics, "nonsense" will not be allowed.
No politics or religion please (or anything else where passions might run deep and start an argument)!
Please remember that this is an all ages forum - offensive content of any kind, commercial solicitations, etc. will not be allowed.
Please enjoy!
We're glad you are here.
Please start a new thread for any subjects that are not on the topic of JB, or any other previously formed section of the forum. Remember - no trolling for arguments.
While all potential issues cannot be discussed in advance, the decisions of the moderators on content in this forum (as any others) is final.
==The Mods