Topic: Clarence Spady - free downloads
My taper friend recorded the Clarence Spady Band last weekend, and after listening to the show, I thought some of you here would enjoy him. A quick search turned up a couple threads with mentions of him, so I know at least some of you have heard of him, but I don't think he's generally too well known outside the Northeast. This show is quite enjoyable to listen to, and it's an excellent recording... enjoy! --Vik … sbd.flac16
OR … ?id=296486
Clarence Spady Band
River Street Jazz Cafe
Plains, PA
March 26, 2010
Soundboard + Schoeps MK4V's (hung from ceiling)>Schoeps KCY 250/05i active cable>Schoeps VST62ui>Grace Design Lunatec V3>Sound Devices 744t (@24 bit 88.2khz )
SD744t>Soundforge Pro 10 (Fades, iZotope 64 BIT Sample Rate Conversion /iZotope MBIT+ Bit depth conversion to 16 Bit/44.1khz)>>CDWAV>FLAC
Recorded By Keith Litzenberger ( Show #25 of 2010
Special Thanks, as always, to the staff at River Street Jazz Cafe, the best venue for live music in Northeastern PA