I just want to say a few things:
1. I joined the Street Team a few years ago, and I used to periodically get a Street Team Newsletter by email, but I have received absolutely nothing from the Street Team for a long time now. Only the regular mailing list emails. Do we no longer get newsletters and such, or does it sound like maybe I somehow accidentally got booted from the Street Team list?
2. I think anyone who is signed up on Joe's email list (whether they're a Street Team member or not) should be getting email notifications of ALL ticket presales for ALL shows EVERYWHERE. This is how it works with most other artists/bands... off the top of my head, Gov't Mule, Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Phish, Roger Waters, etc, etc. I'm against dividing anything into regions or using a milage radius to decide who gets what notices, for several reasons: a) Everyone has a different idea of what's an acceptable distance to travel for shows, ranging anywhere from a couple hours to across the globe, and depending on things like available income and time, having relatives/friends in other areas to visit, traveling for work, etc; b) There are always people who live near the borderline of two regions who would be interested in both regions; and c) Sometimes people like to alert their friends and relatives elsewhere of shows coming to their area.
3. In my opinion, a "Street Team" should denote a pre-planned arrangement where you really WORK to promote a particular show, whether it be postering & flyering, emailing, other online promo, word-of-mouth, etc (preferably a combination of all of these)... and I mean over and above what the average fan does, like investing some real time and effort... in exchange for a guaranteed ticket (or pair of tickets, whatever the deal is) to that show. Even if you're more than willing to buy your own tickets, you can use the freebies to bring in newbies. Obviously, as an artist/band gets bigger, the need for a Street Team diminishes. Now you have enough people for a "Fan Club", usually joined by simply signing up for the email list. Once in a great while a fee is involved, but it normally comes with some benefit like a t-shirt and first chance at choice seats, or something.