Topic: Joe in Toulouse France 07/06/10
Hi everyone!
I'm just back from the Joe/ZZ Top show in Toulouse. It was a great show although it's hard to accept that Joe was the opening act for ZZ Top and he played for 50 minutes only... (well ZZ Top only played for an hour and 25 minutes, and I think that for a 70$ worth ticket that's showing disrespect to the fans... For such a price they should at least play for two hours!)
I can't remember the order of the songs for sure but it must be close to this:
Ballad of John Henry
Last Kiss
So Many Roads
Further on up the Road
Sloe Gin
So it's Like That
Ain't Done Nothing in the World (not sure that's the exact title... oops...)
The highlight was Sloe Gin obviously. Some guys near me didn't even know about Joe. I think they do know him now. Joe's fan base will increase dramatically that's for sure. The guys near me are now converted. Sometimes I felt like I was an apostle showing God to lost souls. Joe doesn't need me that's for sure, but it was nice being close to these guys during their metamorphosis...
That was my 3rd Joe show. He blew me away again. The solos on So It's Like That are just amazing! I hope there will be more to come, but next time I hope I'll see him play for at least two hours!