1 (edited by TieDyeVikki 2010-04-01 18:49:19)

Topic: Clarence Spady - free downloads

My taper friend recorded the Clarence Spady Band last weekend, and after listening to the show, I thought some of you here would enjoy him.  A quick search turned up a couple threads with mentions of him, so I know at least some of you have heard of him, but I don't think he's generally too well known outside the Northeast.  This show is quite enjoyable to listen to, and it's an excellent recording... enjoy!  --Vik  cool

http://www.archive.org/details/clarence … sbd.flac16
http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-deta … ?id=296486

Clarence Spady Band
River Street Jazz Cafe
Plains, PA
March 26, 2010


Soundboard + Schoeps MK4V's (hung from ceiling)>Schoeps KCY 250/05i active cable>Schoeps VST62ui>Grace Design Lunatec V3>Sound Devices 744t (@24 bit 88.2khz )

SD744t>Soundforge Pro 10 (Fades, iZotope 64 BIT Sample Rate Conversion /iZotope MBIT+ Bit depth conversion to 16 Bit/44.1khz)>>CDWAV>FLAC

Recorded By Keith Litzenberger (recording@wklitz.com) Show #25 of 2010

Special Thanks, as always, to the staff at River Street Jazz Cafe, the best venue for live music in Northeastern PA

Re: Clarence Spady - free downloads

And here's another recording from last month of Clarence Spady jamming with some other local musicians including Dylan Skursky and Jami Novak of Cabinet (my favorite bluegrass jamband).  This is also quite enjoyable, and an excellent quality recording... enjoy!  --Vik  cool

http://www.archive.org/details/spady.no … -26.flac16
http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-deta … ?id=296657

Clarence Spady, Dylan Skursky & Jami Novak
River Street Jazz Cafe
Plains, PA
February 26, 2010

Clarence Spady (Clarence Spady Band)- Guitars / Vocals
Jami Novak (Cabinet) - Drums/Vocals
Dylan Skursky (Cabinet)- Bass
Bob O'Connell - Keyboards

Source:Schoeps MK21's>Lunatec V3 + Direct Outs from Allen & Heath GL2400>Alesis HD24 w/EC-2 Converter upgrade (@24bit/44.1khz)

Alesis Caddy>Alesis Fireport 1394>Steinberg Nuendo 4 (multichannel mixdown)>Sound Forge Pro 10 (Fades,iZotope MBIT+ Bit depth conversion to 16 Bit)>CDWAV>FLAC

Recorded By Dylan Skursky, Processed By Keith Litzenberger

3 (edited by Curby 2010-04-02 11:17:16)

Re: Clarence Spady - free downloads

Another good shout, Vikki.  In my opinion it's recs like this that bring me to this forum.  Clarence Spady reminds me alot of Hamilton Loomis and I like his guitar chops.  I really like his funky songs, "Enough of You", "24/7 Love" and "Won't Be This Way Always".  I'd highly recommend his Just Between Us album.  This past month I've been searching for great R&B/Blues/Funk and Clarence definitely fills the bill.

Re: Clarence Spady - free downloads

Here's another good Clarence Spady recording from last weekend.  My taper friend wasn't there, but it was recorded with his equipment by the venue's sound guy (who was a little late in hitting the record button, but oh well, lol).  I still haven't seen Clarence yet myself, but I hope to someday... these recordings are really quite enjoyable.  --Vik  cool

http://www.archive.org/details/clarence … sbd.flac16
http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-deta … ?id=302048

Clarence Spady Band
River Street Jazz Cafe
Plains, PA
April 30, 2010

ceiling mounted Schoeps MK4V's>lunatec V2+Allen & Heath GL2400(Direct Outs)>Alesis HD24 w/EC-2 Converter upgrade (recorded at 24/48)
Alesis Caddy>Nuendo 4(Multitrack mixdown)>Soundforge Pro 10 (Fades, iZotope 64 BIT Sample Rate Conversion /iZotope MBIT+ Bit depth conversion to 16 Bit/44.1khz)>>CDWAV>FLAC

Recorded By Ben Travers
Processed By Keith Litzenberger (recording@wklitz.com)
Most of 1st song NOT recorded, fades in.

Re: Clarence Spady - free downloads

For anyone in the Northeastern PA region, I thought I'd point out that the Clarence Spady Band is playing the River Street Jazz Cafe near Wilkes-Barre TONIGHT, Friday, May 21st.  Music starts at 10pm and usually goes almost til closing at 2am.  Cover is around $7 (I say around because sometimes they add a dollar or two day of show), which they typically don't start charging til 8pm, which works out nicely if you want to arrive early for dinner.  They serve very good food at decent prices, and they mix a nice drink for cheap too.  It's a great little place, very laid back and cool.  Here's a link for more info like venue address, menu, etc... http://www.riverstreetjazzcafe.com/index.php
(Just a note... the schedule says they're playing May 21-22 in error... they're only there on Fri the 21st.)

If you're not yet familiar with Clarence Spady and would like to check him out first, my previous posts in this thread include links to some good recordings where you can listen on Archive.org.  If it's any help, this show description reads: "Clarence Spady, one of the hottest Blues performers in the country, brings his rockin blues to the Jazz Cafe with just enough soul.  Clarence Spady is a soulful singer and hot guitarist who takes the blues of BB King and Albert Collins, and mixes it with the soul of Ray Charles and some funk of James Brown.”

Unfortunately, once again I will miss out on Clarence, as I'll be in Baltimore for The Machine.  My taper friend will be there though, doing his thing, so I'll have a recording to share afterwards. smile

--Vik  cool

PS:  Earlier this same evening, also in Wilkes-Barre, the George Wesley Band (reggae) will be playing a FREE show at the Fine Arts Fiesta at 7:30pm in the square.  For anyone not familiar, this is a very tight band, good originals, always a good time, highly recommended.  You can check them out at http://www.myspace.com/georgewesley, and here's a show my friend recorded the other night (I haven't even listened to it yet) http://www.archive.org/details/gwb2010- … sbd.flac16.  If I weren't going to be in Baltimore, I'd definitely be hitting both George AND Clarence.

Re: Clarence Spady - free downloads

Just thought I'd point out that the Clarence Spady Band is playing the River Street Jazz Cafe near Wilkes-Barre PA again tomorrow night, July 16th.  Here's a link to the venue http://www.riverstreetjazzcafe.com/schedule, and my post above from last time includes some general info that would still apply.  I will not be making tomorrow's show myself... just too many other shows happening this week.

I did finally get to see Clarence though, back in June... I guess I forgot to post, or else it was one of the lost posts... but anyway it was a real good time.  It wasn't his usual band, it was an "& Friends" night, which included Cabinet's Dylan Skursky on bass... here's a link...
http://www.archive.org/details/clarence … itz.flac16

That show then inspired the "Clarence Spady & Dylan Skursky Project"... I had to miss it, but here's the recording...

Also, here's the recording of that 5/21 show I said I'd share...

And here's the Clarence Spady Trio from 6/5...
http://www.archive.org/details/clarence … ack.flac16

--Vik cool