Topic: setlist peekskill

Saw Joe For first time blown away.Can someone post a setlist?

Re: setlist peekskill

this is close if not exact

Ballad Of John Henry
Last Kiss
So Many Roads
So It's Like That
If Heartaches Were Nickels
Sloe Gin
Lonesome Road Blues
Happier Times
Blue And Evil
Three Times A Fool
Blues Deluxe
Young Man Blues
Woke Up Dreaming (paint peeling)
Mountain Time

Encores :
Bird On A Wire
Just Got Paid

note - commented seperately elsewhere re a couple of songs last night. I have to also comment on Slo Gin - just a personal thing - not on  my top 5 fav song list of Joe's but a GREAT song never the less i.e. I have my "list" like we all do. With that said I have to say that Joe playing Slo Gin in concert is TRUELY special - approaching a religious experience of sorts. As we all know, a song like this is unique when it is live - different then the studio. Hopefully this is a song that remains in concert indefinately. Also, Bird on a Wire - Joe did a very nice job on this song - I usually like my Joe rockin but as I hear this song more I like it more and more. Gee - I guess I can go on - Blues Deluxe - another song that I hope remains in Joe's setlist forever. It signifies what blues music is all about - from my perspective.