Topic: Joe's Plexi

Hey guys,
            Correct me if I'm wrong,  but the original plexis didnt have effects loops correct?  I believe joe uses an original, so Joe, How do you run your delay and stuff through your plexi?

Fender '62 reissue Stratocaster, 2001 Gibson Les Paul Studio(Stock), Marshall JCM900 100W Head, Original 1972 Carvin 4/12 Cabinet,Ibanez Ts9 Reissue, Keeley Compressor, Boss DD-3 Delay, Vox Wah

Re: Joe's Plexi

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Joe runs the Delay through the Silver Jubilee (it's the only amp that's always on)- those do have an effects loop... remember- he uses one wet and one dry amp when using delay...

hope this helps,

"Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought-- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things." - Woody Allen

Re: Joe's Plexi

Even the reissue plexis didn't until the 2000-something