Topic: Gary Moore for those interested

A few months ago I purchased the "Gary Moore Essential Montreaux" a 5disc live Gary Moore disc chronicling 5 different shows from Montreaux between '90 and '00. These discs have enough guitar solos for any rock/blues freak.... and now even better news....Just went into my independent record store today and now the dvd is out....have not watched it yet...but it is probably just as over the top ridiculous as the cd package. It's 2dvd's and a cd.This comes with the Murf's highest rating and recommendation, only bestowed upon worthy work like say....Joe!


Re: Gary Moore for those interested

Yeah I also love that big Montreaux pack  big_smile

Here are my tabbed songs by "Smokin' Joe":
I LIKE MUSIC! big_smile big_smile big_smile

Re: Gary Moore for those interested

his improvisation on the song "the sky is crying" is simply amazing.

Re: Gary Moore for those interested

I've got all his Blues albums, the Montreux box and DVDs. Saw him in Montreux 2 or 3 years ago and last year at some other festival. Fantastic player with fantastic tone, albeit obscenely loud!
But, and this is a big BUT, he can be such a miserable git. C'mon Gazza, no need to insult your audience.

Re: Gary Moore for those interested

Today is the 20th Anniversary of the Still Got The Blues album.


Re: Gary Moore for those interested

and I'm happy to say that this album (as Greenose also said) was responsible for re-igniting my interest in blues music.

Saw him and the midnight blues band several times during this period. He was 'the' man during this time even though his ability today is undimmed.

No Hits, No Hype.......................Classic Rock Jan 2012

Re: Gary Moore for those interested

Hopefully seeing him @ High Voltage festival in July. Apparently going to be a hard rock set, would have preffered blues but still. Does Parisenne Walkways count as hard rock? What with ELP playing on Sunday am hoping for Nuclear Attack as well.

Lets hope he still finds time for a 15 minute blues scale with 5 minute high note at the end wink


Re: Gary Moore for those interested

I think Parisienne Walkways would be considered "Rock"  because it's from his rock period.....I think


Re: Gary Moore for those interested

He explains his "Rock" and "Blues" period in typical Gary Moore fashion  wink  here:
One more Blues album and then it's back to "Celtic Rock". I do hope he puts together a stylistically-mixed setlist for his live performances.