Topic: Well I woke up this morning...
...and was surrounded by the snow!
Same yesterday, and the day before, and...
They say he global warming is happening, but I can prove otherwise. By looking out my window.
I live in Finland, I found this fanclub while I was searching for what the cool effect is that Joe uses in the Blues DeLuxe, you know the one where his LP sounds like an organ or something. Stumbled upon here, and found this amazing place...I mean JB is actually participating here, that's like the coolest thing I have ever witnessed in web! Huge respect!
Otherwise, I'm a struggling beginning guitarist (well I've been a beginner for four years now...) I started at the age of 38, am now 42, and still can't play much. But that's not the point, I enjoy the thing and do it just to please myself, not so mch others
I play Gibson LP standard 2008, the chambered asymmetrical neck one, and love it. Desert burst, no pics atm. Gotta admit I've een drooling for Fenders also, but for some reason I have been a Gibson person from the very first glance I laid at those things. The amp is Fender Blues Junior.
I'm a wiseass, confrontation kind of person, but despite of that I never mean harm to anyona and always respect the opinions of others.
As for JB, I just "found" him from a magazine review of The Ballad Of JH, and been a fan since.
I'm not very regular in my appearances on any web forum,but here I'll definitely will be joining whenever I have time.
Basically now you know all about me, and I don't need to post anything anymore