Topic: Scarified

Before I was into Joe,, I was never into Malmsteen/Vai/Batio... But liked the odd Timmons/Satch tune. So the other day, thought I'd start attempting Racer X's Scarified, lol. It's nothing, I'd ever play live,,, unless requested, but I've always felt that, since getting more into blues/jazz/country, I felt there were many songs I left unfinished, and seeing as I love a good challenge (and yeah,,, don't think I've ever learnt harder song's than Gilbert's), thought I'd try learning it again.
Ahh,,, it's real hard, lol. Any one else had any experience with this song>?


Jamming with Joe and Bernie Marsden:

Re: Scarified

I haven't tried Scarified yet.
But one/two years ago I tried to learn Technical Difficulties (couldn't make it through the whole song).
Maybe I should learn it again (complete and accurate this time). smile
I like Paul Gilberts stuff.

Lookin' back in front of me

Re: Scarified

motörhead wrote:

I haven't tried Scarified yet.
But one/two years ago I tried to learn Technical Difficulties (couldn't make it through the whole song).
Maybe I should learn it again (complete and accurate this time). smile
I like Paul Gilberts stuff.

Yeah, I mean, it's not like you can hum the songs back, lol. But they are kinda cool. Tech Dif is a cool song too. Also learning that one.
Another insane song is 'Groove or Die' by Andy Timmons,, VERY hard :L Theres a cross between the sweep and the picking the run that even my teacher can't do, lol. Let alone me


Jamming with Joe and Bernie Marsden:

Re: Scarified

Yeah once you master Groove or Die and Bust a Soda try this little ditty by the wondrous Andy T....

You Can Do Anything You Want To Do

Re: Scarified

Wow, Headed For The Ditch is fast smile

I like this lesson by Paul Gilbert. It's not about shredding, it's about the rhythm in solo. I think that is way more important than speed.

Lookin' back in front of me

Re: Scarified

Yeah, headed for the ditch is uber difficult! Only managed to get a bit into the opening bars, that is a tough one yikes


Jamming with Joe and Bernie Marsden: