Topic: New Toys Today!!
it's been a day of new gear today.
i've borrowed my mate's DSL 401 combo, what a great amp. does a nice clean sounds. almost like a fender kinda clean, but the drive section is proper marshall crunchy goodness. planning to blend it with my fender blues deluxe, not sure how yet. he's selling this 401 soon, so i might snap it up if it works out. it's blue with basket weave for extra mojo points
also traded a cheap 335 copy for a EHX holy stain and an SD-1. the holy stain is a sort of multi effects unit. it's does reverb, trem, limited pitch shifting and distortion/fuzz. the pitchshifter and drive/fuzz are a little rubbish, but the reverb is really really good. i think it's based on the holy grail reverb ehx does. trem sounds more like a leslie, which i like. the sd-1 used to be mine, but wanted it back. seem's to have more gain than it used to, great for kicking the marshall a little more.
any one got any thoughts on good settings/things to try whilst i have the marshall?