Yes that's right,, the support was Sandi Thom and very good she was too. She has a fine voice and, wisely when opening for a guitar legend, the songs were heavy on the vocals with the guitars more in the background. She made a point of thanking Joe for helping her in her career over the last year too.
I didn't meet any of the guys who posted above (maybe next time) but it was another of those great occasions when the Bonabuddies met up. I was wandering past the Guildhall earlier on and saw Michael with LynB and Laurence hanging around waiting to see if they could catch Joe after his Blues in Schools afternoon. Then I went off for the pub meet and was joined by Maggie, Lydia and their friend Tricia (by the happy look on her face after the show I reckon she might be a convert) and then by Devonjohn who we established had been sitting a few seats away from me at the RAH.
John and I both had tickets for seats in the balcony so we stayed on at the pub for a bit while the others went to off to queue for standing. When we got to the Guildhall there was a bit of discussion about John's photo pass but he got it OK.. At that point I realised we'd been ushered past the balcony entrance and were in the main hall. LUCKY! The balcony was a long, long way from the stage. Lucky too that, although we weren't by any means early, the crowd was only a few rows deep from the barrier. So we parked ourselves in a good spot stage left a couple of rows behind Maggie and co. At the interval, people came and went so I was happily able to join them while John went off to the pit to set up his camera.
Joe stormed the place! The crowd went nuts and the cheers and applause after each song didn't let up all evening. I don't know if Joe and the band got off on this or if they were just on top of their form but the were electric. I was enjoying myself too much to remember the set list but hopefully someone (Michael?) got one? As far as I can tell the set was similar to recent shows. Bridge To Better Days was a stand out song for me as it's one of my favourites and from the first JB album I ever bought. The encores nearly brought the roof down. Just Got Paid was Joe at his showman best and a thrilling way to end the evening.
Joe brought back Sandi Thom for the curtain call which I thought was a nice touch. Despite my dreadful 1½ drive back in the lashing rain I was still on a high from the show when I got home which tells you how much Joe can affect you. Superb.