1 (edited by andre wittebroek 2009-11-28 11:02:20)

Topic: Review plus Marco's pictures .

Carrre review (from) Marco, Suzanne and Andre) plus Marco's fantastic shots on www.bluesmagazine.nl .
Tomorrow I'll translate it and put in on this topic. Today a familyparty. No time.

Andre Wittebroek

Re: Review plus Marco's pictures .

Beautiful shots, as usual!! George read the review for me, and of course the story of the young Dutch fan warms my heart! I got a copy of the set list for him too, so I bet he's still on cloud nine!! Thanks Andre!! It was a blast to be with you and your posse again!!(The adventures of Rudy and Geko!!) Cathy

Re: Review plus Marco's pictures .

Actually used the Google translator to read this.  Sounds like the usual awesome experience was had by all - I was certainly thinking of you all.  Beautiful pictures, and so happy that Leif got to meet and play with his hero.  Must seem strange but nice to Joe to be mentoring these young guitar players in the same way that he was mentored by so many of his heros - it is all a big circle.


"There's a lot of people that are in so much of a hurry to be, I guess, to be famous or that they don't want to take the time to learn to play and do all that.They'd rather just knock it down off a computer and maybe get on a game show and get famous..That's fine if that's what you want to do.
"We're more old school than that. We like creating the sounds."  - Tom Petty