Topic: Our bands PA system.

Last weekend we played a BBQ in our hometown to raise money for this girl that had skulliousis.  Anyway our PA was a Mackie we rented for $25 and the Mains for $50.  We also rented mics for the drums and all the vocal mics we already had.  Anyways we put a plexi glass sheild in front of the bass drum and all the guitars and keyboards had their own amps.  I was really worried that the sound wouldn't be that good because we didn't have mics on the amplifiers, but we had someone stand out in the field before we started to tell us to turn up or down as needed.  After the crowed showed up we could hardly even hear ourselves but we kept it at a resonable volume on stage.  We taped it and it turns out the volume was perfect and you could hear all of us clearly.  Very happy about the results and look forward to another gig soon maybe next weekend.