1 (edited by Danny! 2009-10-05 09:27:15)

Topic: 15 years ago...

It's been 15 years today since we lost Danny Gatton. I was three years old but that doesn't lessen my appreciation for what he left us. The Humbler is right, easily one of the most talented Tele players that will ever be.

"Music is the only thing that you can share with a million million people and you don't lose, you gain. It helps you to get energy and to live long, because when your soul is very happy then you don't want to die." - Ali Akbar Khan

2 (edited by Rocket 2009-10-05 14:55:09)

Re: 15 years ago...

A true shame, as was Roy Buchanan;s loss... but for revitalizing if not humbling homework check out Jim Weider if you are not aware of him Danny. 

Rock ON & Keep the Faith,

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: 15 years ago...

Rocket speaks the truth about Jim Weider.  But rather than highjack this thread, I started a new one about him here...

--Vik cool