Topic: The Producers UK Blues Band

I thought I'd already put something on here about these guys?
Dont forget to check out me ol' mates Dave and The Producers if you like Brit Blues … 577?ref=mf

AT LAST! On youtube About time guys, got any more?

Oh yea DOH just found this! … re=related

(There's only one Harry Skinner )

Heres a bit of a blog about the band if you like them

Dave Saunders and Harry Skinner formed The Producers in 1990. They went on
to be one the most popular blues outfit in the country at that time winning
the ŒBlues Band of the Year¹ award 4 times, releasing 7 CD albums one of
which ŒAin¹t No Love in the World¹ was nominated for the ŒBest Blues Album¹
award. They regularly sold out venues around the country and were among the
first to feature an acoustic set in their show which led to Theatre and Art
Centre bookings nationwide, the whole acoustic set became almost Œde
rigueur¹ and every band, blues or otherwise, followed The Producers lead.
Many festival headliners including Colne, Burnley, Stanley Blues, Dublin
Templebar, Cork, Farnham, North Wales Blues Festival and many others were
played. Belgium, Ireland, Holland and France played host to Producers tours
and a month long tour of New Zealand was also undertaken, the band playing
at the Tauranga Blues + Jazz Festival to great acclaim.
  At the Cognac Blues Festival in France they were joined onstage by
headliner Ray Charles' brass section and, memorably, his 'Raelets' shimmying
and dancing in front of them!
  They were featured in session on the Paul Jones Blues Show¹ on BBC Radio 2
and have been praised by both Johnnie Walker and Bob Harris. Playing at the
Alexis Korner Memorial Concert  at Buxton Opera House they were spotted by
Peter Greens management during Peters first  major gig and asked to support
the Fleetwood Mac guitar legend on his first national tour for 25 years, The
Producers also featured on the BBC documentary of the Buxton concert.
  The Producers gave their last concert on New Years Eve 2001/2 after
undertaking a 6 month farewell tour of the UK, needless to say it was a
complete sell out.
  And now in 2009 they are back!  Harry and Dave still front the band ably
assisted by Ray Drury on Organ and Piano and ŒBiff¹ Smith on the sticks and
percussion. New songs have been written  and loyal fans will recognise some
reworked stage favourites as they move on from but definitely not forget the
past musical history of the band.

Found some more smile
I would seriously recommend this band if you get a chance to see them (and not just because they're some of the best friends I ever had!)


Re: The Producers UK Blues Band

Hi Jess, Thanks for posting about this fine band. I have heard of them but not really heard anything by them. The videos are very good quality and great quality playing from the guys.

Will definitely have to try and catch one of their gigs.

Tripsy smile

Re: The Producers UK Blues Band

Their gigs are pretty sparce, but I do hope to see them sometime as they sound good! smile

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

4 (edited by JESSICAT 2011-09-27 14:57:56)

Re: The Producers UK Blues Band

Hi folks, been a while since I've been on here but I guess this is the topic I started about The Producers so I will carry on here. I notice there have been a few mentions of the band recently on other pages here too.

The new album 'London Blues' is now finished and available on Vinyl and CD for those of you who like real British Blues.  Here is a review from Suited and Booted Magazine (based in Somerset), they said:

Having had an opportunity to listen to the album I can tell you that if you
love the blues, it's a cracker. It sounds like the best blues inspired album you
thought you had in your collection, except that this is fresh off the press.
It sounds classic, timeless, like you always knew it and yet it's still
fresh and engaging. It's one of those albums that is going to be near the
top of your CD stack because you'll be playing it so often. Top marks, go
and buy this album.

If you want to find out more or listen and buy the album here is The Producers website :

There are links to media where you can listen to a few tracks and a paypal facility which I am reliably informed is compatible with any currency!

The boys are gigging a lot more now too so check out their 'dates' page.

Finally here are a few more recent videos of an excellent band  smile … r_embedded … re=related … re=related


Re: The Producers UK Blues Band

I missed them first time round, my head was in other places back then. However, on the recommendation of a friend, made a special point of catching their set at Darlington's R'n'B fest a couple of weeks ago - see my thread, and they were really, really worth it. I'd say they were the "hit" of the week-end. Certainly noticed a couple of local club organisers taking notes and chatting after the show, so hopefully it won't be too long before they're back, playing in the N.East.

When life gives you lemons; don't make lemonade.
Give back the lemons.  Why were the lemons free?  What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...