Topic: The Mighty Orq back in Germany
Just checked their tourpage and to my surprise and pleasure found several Germany dates for fall 2009:
01. Sep. 2009 Aachen
18. Sep. 2009 The Real Music Club ?
19. Sep. 2009 Music Festival Haselbach
20. Sep. 2009 Dead End Aschaffenburg
25. Sep. 2009 Kornbrennerei Broeleck
26. Sep. 2009 Earth Music Hall Wetter
I was so unhappy that I had to miss them last time around (Joe was on tour as well then) and now I´m even more looking forward to seeing them! Aschaffenburg is probably closest to my home, but to be honest - I´ve never heard of towns called "Broeleck" or "Wetter" before ... so I better check out where the hell that is on the map.
To all the German folks out there - if they´re playing anywhere near you, please go and see them. If not, check out their latest album "To the Bone", these guys are great!
Edited to add: video of "The Good Love" -