Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

jim m wrote:

Suhl, You have been around a long time. You have done your share of complaining. Maybe more than your fair share. You have the boss's ear here so knock yourself out. Don't be surprised if he tunes you out.

I have customers like you in my day job. After awhile you realize not to loose any sleep over your inability to please everyone. I think Joe and I have this in common. We know it is impossible to please some.

If at the end of the day you can please yourself then you can sleep at night. I work and I know Joe works to please himself and if others happen to dig it too then you can make a living at it.

Joe has a new band he has gone a different direction some of us are enjoying it you obviously don't. I suggest you deal with it or move on.

Well said again, Jim the Mod! smile

GOOD KARMA - … o1_500.jpg
Avatar Credit: D.Hirst,Olympic Union Flag
Adele: RAH -
We Are The Champ20ns

20 (edited by Deacon 2009-08-25 21:46:34)

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

With the exception of the new DVD, I own everything you've released as a solo artist thus far.  I also bought a Bloodline CD after getting your first couple of CD's.  I dig your music and I think you're an amazing guitarist.

Not sure what happened in this instance ... I wasn't there.

If this happened as the other band claims, then it was a very uncool thing to do.  Even if the opener is just a "small time bar band", I think every musician deserves some shared respect from each other ... even the big successful acts.  We all have plenty of other sh*tty stuff to deal with cause we happen to love playing music.

On the other hand, my band has opened for big acts before.  I always kept an eagle eye on what was going on.  If you're the opener, you've got to be ready to stretch it or cut it short depending on what's going on with the headliner you're supporting.

That's part of the deal when you're an opener.

I'm just saying ... I know I'll never be the guitar player you are ... but I work hard at entertaining and I think I have the right to expect some professional courtesy.  I also know that my job is to fit into what is essentially YOUR show.


Joe Bonamassa wrote:

I honestly went on exactly at 10:30 pm according to our time.  I cant be responsible for 10, 000 watches that are not in sync or bands who run over.  I heard the music stop on the side stage and started the Ballad of John Henry.  It was 10:30 and I went on.  I then did realize that the band Back Yard Tire Fire had put in a fake ending on the song was still going on.  I ve done this type of arrangement and its no fault of theirs. But I was on at that point and what can you do? Walk off ? start over?  I think their open letter is misguided and full of cheap shots that I do not or will not respond to.  I suggest that they think about how they are look writing something like that when my intention was to only go on ON TIME and make the festival end by 12 midnight.  But why would they care about my slot or any of the myriad of factors that go on in a open air multi stage festival that has a curfew.  This is the kind of thing that makes me want to find another profession frankly.  Let those guys close the show next year.. Im done.
Joe Bonamassa

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

I just hope that this doesn't keep you from coming back! It was amazing to see the difference in crowds from last year to this. People have taken notice and I only heard good things until I checked out the forum today. Bonamania is in full swing here in the Quad Cities! You may want to forget the gig but we don't! Enjoy your time off. Can't wait for the Chicago show!

You don't find a style, ... a style finds you

Keith Richards

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

It will be a real tragedy if Joe doesn't play this gig again.  Fans had chairs in position 12 hours ahead of show time to see Joe.  The crowd swelled to the front even more after The Fabulous Thunderbirds were done. 
Say it ain't so Joe.....

"I'm not nice to any guitar!"      lol
                 Joe Bonamassa 05-03-12


Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

Ok.  I just have to add my 2 cents.  The way this band chose  to post an open letter on their facebook page to criticize Joe, rather than address him personally is very uncool.  They only wish they had a fraction of the fans Joe has. A little jealous maybe?  They obviously don't know him or they would realize that he wouldn't purposely cut into their set had he known they weren't finished.  And, I know that if the tables were turned and they cut into Joe's set, Joe would not have called them out in such a tacky manner.  So let them be jerks.  I for one, don't think that's the way to gain fans and I know I don't have any desire to check out their music now.  Geez.  roll

"Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding"


Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

Personally, I'm not going to go there - to the facebook link posted that is - and acknowledge what they're saying. If they have any beef with anybody else it should be with the festival organizers for allowing the situation to occur. The schedule allowed for no break between the last three acts whereas earlier in the day there was a 10 min. break between acts. Like Joe said, I'm sure he had a STRICT deadline/curfew of midnight. He didn't have the luxury of running over, even by a couple minutes. I've actually been to two festivals where Joe's time was cut short due to time over runs by preceding bands - but these were single stage fests as well. There is no excuse whatsoever for this to occur where there are two stages.

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

My phone is synced to real time and Joe came on right at 10:30pm.
As far as the comments from the other band, what do you expect from a band named Back Yard Tire Fire?
Finally, if you don't like Joe's " new" direction, why spend two years complaining about it? Seems like you'd just want to move on with your life.

"Rock ON & Keep the Faith"

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

What a ridiculous thing for a no-name band to say...the last time I checked, Joe was the headliner, they were playing the side stage...have some respect for the superior musician, as Joe said, that's just part of the business.  When it's time to play, it's time to play, and that's all there is to it.  Joe, I hope this does not ruin future trips back to the Quad City area, as this was my first time seeing you live and I consider myself extremely lucky that I didn't have to pay a dime for it...maybe come to the Adler Theatre next time.

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

I'm disappointed to read all the fuss about the concert in Davenport.  This was my first time going to a Bonamassa gig, I'm sad to hear the concert was clouded in such controversy.  This being my first concert I was very happy that I made the trip.  I was given a Bonamassa CD by a friend of mine after "Bluesmore" in Cedar Rapids.  After hearing him, I made the trip to Davenport to watch with a person that is entralled by the music.  I have to say, I look forward to seeing Joe again, I hope he comes to other festivals, Bluesmore, River Roots, etc in the Iowa area.  I for one will be right there.

I was literally 5 feet from the left (or right?) speaker bank, and I had to drop back to the TV area after about 45 minutes.  However, to me it was just loud, Im not an audiophile (I know, gasp), but I couldn't enjoy the music that close.  However watching him play the guitar, watching his hands move, seeing the passion he puts in his music made it all worth while. 

Joe, I don't know about this other band, I don't know everything that is said, however, I know this, I'm glad you came to Iowa, and I hope you come back.  Heck if you want, I have a couple of acres, more then happy to put on Bonamassastock at my farm for ya.  :-)

Enjoyed your performance throughly and I hope you don't forget the show, as I know I will not and it's a shame for the acts of another bands to discredit the passion you showed to me that evening in the aftermath.

Can't wait to see you at the Englert.

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

Don't let some bitchy little jerks get you down, Joe.  Sounds like if there was an issue that it was the opener's responsibility to get off in time to let the headliner have his full slot with a hard curfew at 12 midnight.  Other than said self-involved nouveau bratpackers, it sounds like the festival design and/or the fact the promoters apparently didn't allow space between the time slots may be an issue.  As far as I'm concerned, it was 10:30 when you started.

Unfortunately, your growing success will attract those who will try to piggyback on your fame either through praise or antagonism.  It appears the Backdoor Turd Flingers have chosen the latter route.  Never mind.  As Rocket says, Rock On and Keep The Faith!

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

There always are and always will be dramalamas in the world unfortunately. Best to ignore the **anothercensoredword* and never let them get you down.

I for one really appreciate an artist who hits the stage on time. Many people bust their asses to get to shows on time, travel from other places, make adjustments to their work schedules, etc etc. It's insulting when a festival or band keeps you waiting too long. Makes one feel like they don't care.

And hey, if you don't like a particular artist... no one is forcing you to listen.
"Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life." ~ Beethoven

30 (edited by Rocket 2009-08-26 12:10:01)

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

the dude wrote:

Don't let some bitchy little jerks get you down, Joe.  Sounds like if there was an issue that it was the opener's responsibility to get off in time to let the headliner have his full slot with a hard curfew at 12 midnight.  Other than said self-involved nouveau bratpackers, it sounds like the festival design and/or the fact the promoters apparently didn't allow space between the time slots may be an issue.  As far as I'm concerned, it was 10:30 when you started.

Unfortunately, your growing success will attract those who will try to piggyback on your fame either through praise or antagonism.  It appears the Backdoor Turd Flingers have chosen the latter route.  Never mind.  As Rocket says, Rock On and Keep The Faith!

Indeed Dude!  I am glad you said what I came on to say, and was determined to make clear once again for my friend Joe Bonamassa;"They" will try to piggyback onto fame! In actuality it CAN be done with discretion and respect,...and honesty.  It's saying good things about those who precede you in stature at the time, and follow you after your piece of the action. 

But, we have seen and will CONTINUE to see those who are going to glom onto what I call cheap publicity.  This forum accords it, openly allows it, and has a certain decorum.   Sometimes it is breached.  Sometimes it is tolerable, sometimes not.  Anyone who has read this entire thread start to finish sees it has NOT been breached here. A newbie set off the
"Oh, no"!!!alarm due to disbelief of something they read on another band's site, and I thank him or her, joerulz, if you are really new welcome, if you are a regular alias, ok by me.  THE bottom line, dobro and suhl (with a lot of help) expressed their opinions and even though I am thoroughly convinced the entire spiel(s), especially the back slapping idjits polluting our air and breathing spaces (I know most don't know the significance of that band name, but wise Bill S. can sense it even if he doesn't) were contrived with forethought planning and execution, the majority has spoken.  Rest easy Joe, change not your profession, because you are a beacon to your professions up and coming of any any, stripe, or talent level...

So please, Rock We On the Water, And We'll Soothe Your Fevered Brow,
Keep the Faith (that it's worth it-they all got their money's worth after all wink ),

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

Rocket wrote:
the dude wrote:

Don't let some bitchy little jerks get you down, Joe.  Sounds like if there was an issue that it was the opener's responsibility to get off in time to let the headliner have his full slot with a hard curfew at 12 midnight.  Other than said self-involved nouveau bratpackers, it sounds like the festival design and/or the fact the promoters apparently didn't allow space between the time slots may be an issue.  As far as I'm concerned, it was 10:30 when you started.

Unfortunately, your growing success will attract those who will try to piggyback on your fame either through praise or antagonism.  It appears the Backdoor Turd Flingers have chosen the latter route.  Never mind.  As Rocket says, Rock On and Keep The Faith!

Indeed Dude!  I am glad you said what I came on to say, and was determined to make clear once again for my friend Joe Bonamassa;"They" will try to piggyback onto fame! In actuality it CAN be done with discretion and respect,...and honesty.  It's saying good things about those who precede you in stature at the time, and follow you after your piece of the action. 

But, we have seen and will CONTINUE to see those who are going to glom onto what I call cheap publicity.  This forum accords it, openly allows it, and has a certain decorum.   Sometimes it is breached.  Sometimes it is tolerable, sometimes not.  Anyone who has read this entire thread start to finish sees it has NOT been breached here. A newbie set off the
"Oh, no"!!!alarm due to disbelief of something they read on another band's site, and I thank him or her, joerulz, if you are really new welcome, if you are a regular alias, ok by me.  THE bottom line, dobro and suhl (with a lot of help) expressed their opinions and even though I am thoroughly convinced the entire spiel(s), especially the back slapping idjits polluting our air and breathing spaces (I know most don't know the significance of that band name, but wise Bill S. can sense it even if he doesn't) were contrived with forethought planning and execution, the majority has spoken.  Rest easy Joe, change not your profession, because you are a beacon to your professions up and coming of any any, stripe, or talent level...

So please, Rock We On the Water, And We'll Soothe Your Fevered Brow,
Keep the Faith (that it's worth it-they all got their money's worth after all wink ),

Save a forest, burn tires instead of wood at your next campfire!
Besides, tires burn longer than wood and have a much better aroma.

"Rock ON & Keep the Faith"

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

First of all, to think Joe or any rational player would purposely do what is alleged here is just silly.

Second, Joe please do not let your emotions be negatively affected by what people write on the Internet, often without the perspective that reflection brings.  As in all aspects of life, the silent majority is usually the most rational.

Third, if anyone wants to be unfairly negative about Joe here, I hope they expect to be banned.  This is Joe's website!

I've seen many bands over the years, and have seen Joe twice, 10 years apart.  I was surprised by how great Joe was the first time, and the next time I expected great and that's what I got -- and more.  Unless you can play guitar and sing as well as Joe (I know I can't and I've been playing for 30 years), I humbly propose that you STFU!

33 (edited by ross 2009-08-26 19:25:37)

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

Public feuds are a great way to create publicity. I have never heard of this band before now and now I know their name.

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

I know there name so now I can avoid them like H1N1

35 (edited by BluesMan 2009-08-26 20:04:32)

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

Bill S wrote:


Save a forest, burn tires instead of wood at your next campfire!
Besides, tires burn longer than wood and have a much better aroma.

Actually Bill,

I'd like to see Rocket form his own church. Can't you see him up there, long flowing sliver, gray and black hair (well, maybe not black anymore) preaching to the masses from the book ("Play It Like It Is") according to Joe? Gosh, with the right beard, he good be Moses! wink

Lead us into the light Rocket! cool


P.S. Rocket and two of his followers: … 4e1648.jpg

Joe is the Best!

Re: Joe at River Roots Live - Davenport, Iowa

Wow, such drama...Here's my 2 cents...I got there @ Noon, front row, Joe came out on time...No question about that...The main stage worked like clockwork...The sound was perfect that night...

I have seen them all: Eric, SRV, Eddie, Carlos, B.B., etc. Joe is mentioned in the same conversation...Joe pulled every note he could imagine from that fret board...This was the 3rd time I've seen Joe in person...He brings something new to the table every time...I've been playing for 30yrs., so I know a little bit about guitars, but I hope you can figure out why Joe was changing guitar's all night...(that's in reference to a prior post...)

Finally, I've pre-ordered Joe's Royal Albert Hall DVD...I don't know, or care, who this other band is, but when they put out their DVD from Royal Albert Hall and have Clapton join them on stage, then we'll talk...

Joe, your the best, both on and off the stage...God Bless & please come back to the QC...