Joe Cat, your surname is very cool! I really mean that! I can likely pronounce it also. Anyway Joe was likely referring to the Burg Herzberg Festival with it's "Freak Stage". I'm sure freak flags flew at full mast...The festival predates Woodstock by a year and is now billed as a "Traditional Hippie Convention". What tripped Joe out at a tripped out event he'll have to dish up, maybe. Joe ain't close to weird, so I would venture some weird act or acts, onstage or off... Hopefully nothing to do with trying to get high smoking hempcones with a paltry 10 watts!
Rock On & Keep the Faith,
"He still doesn't charge for mistakes!
""Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here. I mean, there are professionals in here.”