Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Headless chicken time
Ever decreasing circles
Yup, old folks boogie

All systems are go
Time to board and find your seat
Flight tracker ready

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Soppy ol' Hammer
Ain't LOVE grand? I wants to know!
Tell the Funky Doc.

A witch flies; no broom
Amsterdam is all in bloom
at least will be soon.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

dreamin of England
never been there Germany
homes of ancestors

thinking of you pals
and the good vibe Joe music
you are all about

screamin guitar and
the best vocals around with
Carmine Rick Bogey

next week your jammin
overseas i'll be comin
one day to party

Joe will be our jam
and he'll be there lovin it
Royal Albert Hall

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Jack Loves Patty Loves Joe

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

fuzzy wuzzy wrote:

dreamin of England
never been there Germany
homes of ancestors

thinking of you pals
and the good vibe Joe music
you are all about

screamin guitar and
the best vocals around with
Carmine Rick Bogey

next week your jammin
overseas i'll be comin
one day to party

Joe will be our jam
and he'll be there lovin it
Royal Albert Hall

I got a job in
Bohemia next week so
want to meet for drams?

Parts coming in from
Germany should be there on
Tuesday or Wednesday

I'm flying home on
Tuesday and should be in a
state of ecstasy!

Major Tom to ground control...

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

RICjunkie wrote:
fuzzy wuzzy wrote:

dreamin of England
never been there Germany
homes of ancestors

thinking of you pals
and the good vibe Joe music
you are all about

screamin guitar and
the best vocals around with
Carmine Rick Bogey

next week your jammin
overseas i'll be comin
one day to party

Joe will be our jam
and he'll be there lovin it
Royal Albert Hall

I got a job in
Bohemia next week so
want to meet for drams?

Parts coming in from
Germany should be there on
Tuesday or Wednesday

I'm flying home on
Tuesday and should be in a
state of ecstasy!

Sure Bohemia
Single malts and Germany
And some RAH stories

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Jack Loves Patty Loves Joe

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

One minute he's here
Before you can say salsa
Gone with the water

Haiku master san
The haiku topic needs an
Injection of life

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Standing on rubber
the stage one bigass puddle
My hair is perfect

Play the blues tonight
funky soulful R & B
Oldies, dancing girls!

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

A blues man drinks wine
A bass player is sober
what will happen next?

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Hot August blues there.
davey, derek & joe b
woman, pack your grip...

witch in the forest
surprise, surprise we are here
We sleep where? you say.

lol cool

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?


Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

533 (edited by RICjunkie 2009-07-18 19:34:20)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

bigjeffjones wrote:

Hot August blues there.
davey, derek & joe b
woman, pack your grip...

witch in the forest
surprise, surprise we are here
We sleep where? you say.

lol cool

Cathy's pad is it
sure sounds good to me!

Major Tom to ground control...

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

bigjeffjones wrote:

Hot August blues there.
davey, derek & joe b
woman, pack your grip...

witch in the forest
surprise, surprise we are here
We sleep where? you say.

lol cool

Dear God, what a dope
Shoulda looked in here sooner
Then I would have known

Jeff and Ms Tia
Yall ready for the cauldron?
Maryland crab land

The wonderful witch
Weekend Bonadenmother
Will keep ya'll real cool

Now here's the killer
Possible new job may mean
No trip for Hammer


RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Now Ms T can't go.
Family and work collide
Oh my giddy aunt.

Dont want to miss George
But first things first, don'tcha know
the Force will align

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

bigjeffjones wrote:

Dont want to miss George
But first things first, don'tcha know
the Force will align

Move heaven and earth
The Hammer is on the way
Gots ta meet Big Jeff!

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

New tires on my bike,
Got an independent streak
a CASE of the a$$

hell or high water
it's time for the funky dr
to ride and to breathe

yes I love you dear
you can have the house alone
high heels once I'm home


Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Back to school they went
House is quiet once again
It's time to rehearse.

True Inspiration
After those Hot August Blues
Flog the drummer now.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

If you're old enough
An era ended today
Arlington again

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Hammer right again
Liberal lion is gone
May he rest in peace

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms