Topic: New Music...need feedback!

Hey I'm a 16 year old up and coming blues/rock musician. I finally got my music page up and running and posted a rough mix of a new song I'm working on. Please check it out and give me some feedback. Thanks a lot!

I'm in another serious band, but I wanted to explore my other this solo project is all me for the instruments, and recording ect.

-Chris Baker

Re: New Music...need feedback!

thats dam fine young man. I listened all the way through which must mean its good wink The only thing I would say is it is a little repetitive in places. Would definitely like to hear some more:)

Re: New Music...need feedback!

Thanks for listening. Yea I definitely agree with the repetiveness, once I finish the lyrics I'm going to get another take and see if the vocals add a new dimension. But I'll be posting new songs over the next couple weeks, so check back soon. I'm going to put together like an 8 song EP for my solo project. Until then check out my band Bizarre Silence.

Thanks again!