Topic: Gary Moore Last Night (and Buddy Whittington)

Wolverhampton Civic - as posted before never been taken by Gary performing live, lats night was the most I have ever enjoyed him. He seemed more approachable to crowd and had some really blinding moments. Howevr I could not get my head around his shredfest at the end of each song, totally unnecassary and it appreared to me he was trying to prove something that we already know. Sound was good when it was just Gary and a guitar but became mushy when the rest joined in. That could have been our seating though. Sorry cannot do a setlist biut his second encore 'parisian walkways' was exceptional, really nice finsish.
Buddy Whittington was excellent, realy nice bloke too try and catch him. He was given the nod to fill anther 5 mintues and did a cracking Led Zep cover.
Some videos are on my youtube channel, although Gary Video police moved in hard about 5 songs in so  had to put it away, use the HQ version for better quailty sound. I have just uploaded so titles might not be showing … 1&aq=f

Re: Gary Moore Last Night (and Buddy Whittington)

The shredfest at the end of each song became a little tiresome for me, in particular he played Too Tired in Glasgow which involved a little interaction with the keyboard player, but then hogged the limelight with a guitar fest afterwards that had most of the audience chatting amongst themselves, checking their watches or heading to the bar. Glad to hear he was more approachable to the audiance in Wolverhampton. From seeing Joe and Gary in less than a week, I have to say there was no contest as to which was the more compelling act and it was not Gary. The issue I have with Gary is that he has both the talent and ability to perform a better set than he did when I saw him. sad

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

Re: Gary Moore Last Night (and Buddy Whittington)

Do the "video police" look old and cranky?

You Can Do Anything You Want To Do

Re: Gary Moore Last Night (and Buddy Whittington)

Did I mention that at Gary's gig my friend Paul's camera was taken off him before the concert started despite it being agreed in advance he would have a photo pass. The house photographer was allowed to film the second song, and that was it...

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

Re: Gary Moore Last Night (and Buddy Whittington)

Martin – spotted you and Alex in the balcony last night, hoped to see you after the gig to say hello but never saw you outside.

This was the first time I’ve seen Gary live, and I’ve got to say I was disappointed.
We had real problems with the sound – Gary’s half-stacks were angled away from the centre towards the left (where we were sitting) and as you said Martin we couldn’t hear the rest of the band when Gary was playing and singing – especially when he was playing rhythm. The band looked pretty bored – and Gary never bothered to introduce them. I agree with you about the shredfest – or as I referred to it , incessant noodling.
I like guitar solos to have some feeling and a connection to the melody of the song, but it was like “ I wonder how many times and how fast I can repeat this same lick before they get bored?” Methinks Gary is really still a Rock guitarist at heart – his tone certainly leans in that direction. I certainly never heard someone “playing the blues and touching me” (His words  remember roll )

There were a few highlights, mostly in Gary’ older efforts, with Parisienne Walkways standing out in the encore.

What was interesting were the many comments overheard as the crowds headed for the exits, along the lines of “Well if we hadn’t come to that other gig here last week, we would probably have thought this was good!”

Guess what that other gig was……. cool

Please be in no doubt that this is the REAL ME! Beware imposters........................

Re: Gary Moore Last Night (and Buddy Whittington)

I did wonder if you were there Ian.  I also thought Gary's stacks were oddly placed but thought here must be some wierd technical wizzardry for it!!!
When I said he was more engaging wth the crowd, it is becuase te other times I have seen him he never said a word a all, just came on did his thing and left. This time we got a couple of smiles, quite a few f words and a couple of 'no sorry dont understand' at requests being shouted from the audience. Although having its moments the show just did not flow.
You would have been in histerics outside if we had of met up. remind me to tell you down in London.

Icon wrote:

Martin – spotted you and Alex in the balcony last night, hoped to see you after the gig to say hello but never saw you outside.

This was the first time I’ve seen Gary live, and I’ve got to say I was disappointed.
We had real problems with the sound – Gary’s half-stacks were angled away from the centre towards the left (where we were sitting) and as you said Martin we couldn’t hear the rest of the band when Gary was playing and singing – especially when he was playing rhythm. The band looked pretty bored – and Gary never bothered to introduce them. I agree with you about the shredfest – or as I referred to it , incessant noodling.
I like guitar solos to have some feeling and a connection to the melody of the song, but it was like “ I wonder how many times and how fast I can repeat this same lick before they get bored?” Methinks Gary is really still a Rock guitarist at heart – his tone certainly leans in that direction. I certainly never heard someone “playing the blues and touching me” (His words  remember roll )

There were a few highlights, mostly in Gary’ older efforts, with Parisienne Walkways standing out in the encore.

What was interesting were the many comments overheard as the crowds headed for the exits, along the lines of “Well if we hadn’t come to that other gig here last week, we would probably have thought this was good!”

Guess what that other gig was……. cool

Re: Gary Moore Last Night (and Buddy Whittington)

I saw them last night at the Hammersmith Apollo.  Having never seen GM live before I cannot say that I was disappointed. It was very enjoyable actually. Everything that I expected. Gary did a marvelous job from some slow blues to his warp speed fretwork on some great rockouts. Thanks for the heads up to bring ear protection Duncan. I was sitting about mid theatre and it was VERY loud. I can't imagine having been seated in front of one of the PA stacks! Have to save my hearing for Monday! Gary rotated through half a dozen guitars, starting out with a red Firebird for the opener "Bad For You Baby" and several LPs. He premiered his signature Gary Moore BFG LP on "Mojo Boogie". One song (can't recall the name) had a guitar solo I swear had to have been ten minutes long. In all Gary played 2+ hours including encores. "Parisian Walkways" got everone up on their feet.
Buddy Whittington played for about 45 minutes to open the show. All in all I'm glad I booked it!

Also the couple sitting next to me are attending RAH on Monday as well!

Major Tom to ground control...

Re: Gary Moore Last Night (and Buddy Whittington)

A great song is still at the end of the day, a great song...


You Can Do Anything You Want To Do

Re: Gary Moore Last Night (and Buddy Whittington)

mikeb wrote:

A great song is still at the end of the day, a great song...


That video really reinforced in me how much I miss Philip Lynott.

Re: Gary Moore Last Night (and Buddy Whittington)

Stu Craig wrote:
mikeb wrote:

A great song is still at the end of the day, a great song...


That video really reinforced in me how much I miss Philip Lynott.

We all do sir....


You Can Do Anything You Want To Do