Topic: Anthony Gomes...Feedback
What do the Bonamasses who've heard of Anthony think? I have a chance to see his act in the near future, if I make the show I'll report back.
J Dawg
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Joe Bonamassa Forum → Other Artists → Anthony Gomes...Feedback
What do the Bonamasses who've heard of Anthony think? I have a chance to see his act in the near future, if I make the show I'll report back.
J Dawg
I'd go. Very charismatic.
I've never seen him but like a few of his songs, so when I got a dvd of a festival he did in Ohio I was anxious to check it out. Needless to say I was very dissapointed. I know he can play,(when he wants to) but it just seems to me that he is just a good front man. Working the crowd, very gospel. Almost preaching. Just my opinion for what it's worth...
J Dawg:
I have seen him play at The Roseland. He is sporting a new Giliotti, that is his main axe now.
He is talented, and charismatic. His Bass player is a hoot. He does tend to play to the selected groupies, but can rip thru some major riffs with ease. Sometimes his vocals are strained.
If the ticket price is reasonable, I would take it in. I would probly not rearrange my schedule and drive a hundred miles to see him. IMHO.
Enjoy and report back to us.
Also, you can have a private gig from Anthony for $ 1000 albeit acoustic when he plays near your hometown. I fear that Joe is out of my price range.
I take your not coming to my BD party Phil.
Santa brought me one of his CD's for Christmas, Music is the Medicine, haven't listened yet...Noticed the sweet Gigliotti...I think he's kinda' pretty lookin' for a guy; I'm sure he's got a huge female fan base, so ohiodawg, if your single, could be a nice way to meet up with someone and I'm curious, does anyone think he plucks his eyebrows??
And Phil, sorry about your Cowboys...I should be tarred and feathered for losing my faith in the Eagles...Miracles do happen...I was having a momentary lapse in reason when I made that previous statement!
Santa brought me one of his CD's for Christmas, Music is the Medicine, haven't listened yet...Noticed the sweet Gigliotti...I think he's kinda' pretty lookin' for a guy; I'm sure he's got a huge female fan base, so ohiodawg, if your single, could be a nice way to meet up with someone and I'm curious, does anyone think he plucks his eyebrows??
I went to his website and myspace and checked out his pics...
Ya, he's a pretty boy alright. He looks pretty vain too. Looks like he found one facial expression that he thinks makes him hot and is running with it.
About the eyebrow thing...
No doubt. Looks like he spends quite a bit of time on his look.
Nice guitar though!
Julie in Green Bay
PS: Let us know what you think of his CD.
After a listen, I'd see him if he came to town. I'm not sure if he tours with the female backup singers which can add a little gospel edge...a live performance can always enhance an opinion either way. I have another one of his CD's, I'll have to dig it out and give it another listen.
pcornell wrote:pass
I take your not coming to my BD party Phil.
The way I see it, I may have to tolerate AG to come to your birthday party. If there is any way for us to make it, we'd love to see you get a little older.
Just not an AG fan, at all.
AG has some decent material. There are times I really enjoy his rather unique blend of Blues, R&B/Soul and Gospel. He's got a great voice and puts on an entertaining live show. If you're looking for heavy, guitar-driven electric Blues/Blues-Rock he probably won't be your cup of tea. He's not like Joe B, Warren Haynes, Andy Timmons or Ansley Lister - and really doesn't try to be. But if you like to get funky, and still like to spin a James Brown or Tower of Power CD from time to time, you'll probably enjoy his show. One show was probably enough for me, but I was glad I went, and I still play his CD's from time to time.
I've seen AG and i will admit he is a guitar whiz.I left after the 1st set though because i got tired of him real fast with his gospel ramblings during each song.He couldn't go through one song without stopping to ramble and screw up a decent blues song he was playing.
I say pass.
Guitar playing, mediocre. Songwriting, mediocre. Albums, disappointing. Add to that, this guy has an ego like I've never seen.
I've been listening to my 2 AG cd's (Medicine & Unity) and Gomes is hugely talented on guitar and his songwriting/lyrics are also superb! I like the way he has the lyrics printed on the CD liner. I would definitely see him if he came to town.
I regret making any comments about his appearance; his photos on the new CD had me doing a double take on his striking good looks and sometimes I'm just a big blabbermouth!!
I even find myself attracted to him.
More feedback on AG
J Dawg
More feedback on AG
J Dawg
Listening to some old & new Gomes this morning....he really puts on a great show...he can rip it up as well.
Funky blues soul & rock......If you have never seen him ...give him a really is a good time...:)
Joe Bonamassa Forum → Other Artists → Anthony Gomes...Feedback
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