Instead of writing a review here, since Tripsy has done such a good job, I thought I'd just write my own thoughts on the gig.
This is not easy to say or type!! but having seen JB five times now, I must be honest and say that although the Sage is a great venue, it is, all said and done, an Arts Centre, and as such doesn't really lend itself to 'rock' style music. Irrespective of this.. I think Joe is a truly great guitarist but I'm just not sure that these sort of venues do him justice. He craves an element of audience participation which he was never really going to get here and proved by having to ask the question 'just how many people are out there tonight?'.
Let's be honest, a self styled blues guitarist is never going to command 'pop' status recognition so let's just enjoy him. It would be great to think that he might appeal to the masses, but it ain't gonna happen. I myself was singing and tapping along to many of the songs, but it is difficult to enjoy when you are sitting down.
Even so I still can't wait to see him again in Sheffield, but do us a favour Joe and ditch the white suit!, then again that's just my personal opinion, some people may say I'm just talking bollocks.