Topic: Thanks and welcome

My computer is being a *&#@*, so I wanted to thank everybody who has posted such enthusiastic reviews. I've been to recent shows, so they take me right back to the experience! There's now an element of surprise to Joe's shows, and that's quit a change. What a great time to be hitched to the J.B. wagon!!

I also want to say welcome to the many folks who have entered their first posts as show reviews. As you see, they are truly appreciated and anticipated...thanks again. Please stick around and enjoy the fun. More info here than you'll ever be able to read, but dive in! Cathy

Re: Thanks and welcome

cathysiler wrote:

I also want to say welcome to the many folks who have entered their first posts as show reviews.  Cathy

I echo Cathy's thanks and welcome and just want to remind those new posters that the introduction forum is only two floors up, just hop the elevator. wink

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith