Topic: Joe Bonamassa clinic, Cascio Interstate Music 3/8/09
Since as they say the cat is out of the bag, I thought I'd post what I've downloaded so far regarding Joe's clinic/performance at Cascio Interstate Music. I was going to try to combine it a little, but might as well post the segments now. There are 5 Parts here and there should be 6, so tonight I'll try to figure out what happened to the last part. Also, you may hear a little creeking during the video, I apologize for that. Apparently, my tripod was inducing some noise into the camera every time I turned it; I didn't realize that at the time. Joe estimated the crowd at about 120 people that came out in some very heavy rain. It was a great seminar!
Many thanks go out to Elliott Hill and his entire Staff at Cascio Interstate Music for putting on this wonderful performance/clinic featuring Joe.
Part 1:
Pat 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Still pictures: … 055923441/
P.S. And Joe again, I would never rat you out to your former homeroom teacher had you used his name.