Hi Roy,
I only have one of Eric's CD's that I bought that night. I figured the one you mentioned was recorded in New Hope and I know Eric was back there after we saw him and came back from Florida for a visit. I can't remember the exact date of when we saw Eric, but I'll dig out the CD and see if its dated and 2005 makes sense since I know it was shortly after we had seen Joe for the first time in 2004. Eric had been featured on a excerpt of a news program and his jaw dropping guitar playing is what made us want to see him. I recorded it on VHS and passed it around, if I still have it, I can mail it to you. Also, we are a little sentimental about Havana, we had our 3rd date there back in 1983 after meeting on a blind date at an Al Jarreau concert. I got it bad, real bad for my now hubby on that date at Havana, good thing the feeling was mutual
, actually I was falling hard by our second date at a jazz club...and I finally was getting some relief from my then broken heart. I made a very good rebound, we will be married 24 years in March
, coincidentally on Eric Clapton's birthday.
Back to Eric Steckel's performance that night, I was thinking of Joe as a youngster traveling around with the support of his mom and dad, like Eric. Thanks for posting this, I'll have to get this CD and see if I recognize my yelps. We met up with a group of friends/cousins etc. that live in New Hope and brought our kids, it was as a very fun evening!
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