Topic: Joe's Gear & Amps - overview
Here it is:
Overview of Joe's Amps and Gear
I think its mosty right - if not, please tell me, whats wrong!

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Joe Bonamassa Forum → Joe's Guitars, Amps and Gear → Joe's Gear & Amps - overview
Here it is:
Overview of Joe's Amps and Gear
I think its mosty right - if not, please tell me, whats wrong!
Here it is:
Overview of Joe's Amps and GearI think its mosty right - if not, please tell me, whats wrong!
Does he use what you called a signal splitter? I thought his signal went from his guitar through his Wah, Carb, 808 then the A/B with the output A going to the Jubilee and output B heading into the A/B/C selector (he leaves the both switch "on" on the whirlwind). Then the Fuzzface only goes into the front of the Cat 5. Also I think both Cat 5's are 100 Watts. Other than that it looks cool man. That was a great idea.
Why the change from 50 to 100 watts on the cat 5s?
Man that's a lot of time and research! It looks pretty close, but I think the white Cat 5 is still a 100 watts. I like how you added the theremin, I wonder is anyone making one except for Moog? Don't forget the baffles, that's a big part of Joe's tone! Very well done, but I hate to be a Buzz Killington because now that we have it figured out...
Joe Bonamassa writes: the Rig is getting redone for the new year. So the first pictures of 09 might now be the same as 08. I get bored and need to try new things. Amp guys get mad at me, but I tell them thats the deal up front.
Keep you posted.. Im setting everything up next week..
Joe B
I can't imagine what Joe has up his sleeve or what amps/guitars/pedals/tones he hasn't explored yet! I can't wait to see what '09 has in store for us. Maybe he'll be rocking the Behringer, Crate, Randall, Line 6 rig this year! We probably wouldn't tell a difference anyway, the man has the hands to make a Roland Cube sound like a 100 watt plexi.
Does he use what you called a signal splitter? I thought his signal went from his guitar through his Wah, Carb, 808 then the A/B with the output A going to the Jubilee and output B heading into the A/B/C selector (he leaves the both switch "on" on the whirlwind).
I'm not really sure, but thats the best possibility that comes to my mind:
If the Whirlwind A/B-Switch would switch between the Silver Jub and the others, all effects would influence not only the other amps, but alse the Silver Jub! I thought this Amp would ONLY be used for the Delay, not influenced by the other effects?!
Then the Fuzzface only goes into the front of the Cat 5.
Are you sure? I didn't found a useable picture of his pedalboard inclusive the fuzzface...
So maybe...
Also I think both Cat 5's are 100 Watts.
and @ Bailz
Look at -->on the bottom of the page button "Signature". There they are. The black one is 100W, the silver one 50W.
The 100W was Joe's first cat5 amp, after this one he got a 50W version, I think.
Other than that it looks cool man. That was a great idea.
Don't forget the baffles, that's a big part of Joe's tone!
Right, but do you know where Joe bought em?
We probably wouldn't tell a difference anyway, the man has the hands to make a Roland Cube sound like a 100 watt plexi.
Updated the picture!
If Joe searches new sounds, he should maybe look for effects from! There are really crazy - and great - things there.
Ok, there are five things wrong with that.. but I think who did it is great.. I got such a kick out of it..
1. I use a fulltone or a Demeter Tremelo in line before the Wah Wah,
2. I use only 100 watt amps so the Cat 5 american is listed wrong
3. I use a diaz vibratrem on the JB 100 6L6 amp for solos and I dont use the two rock anymore.
4. I use a delayed reverb chorus on the Van Weelden for which I now Have two.. One for the states and one for Europe
5. And the fuzzface is run through the superlead only..
Again most of it will change this year.. Im bored and feel like changing a few things around..
Joe B
Ok, there are five things wrong with that.. but I think who did it is great.. I got such a kick out of it..
1. I use a fulltone or a Demeter Tremelo in line before the Wah Wah,
2. I use only 100 watt amps so the Cat 5 american is listed wrong
3. I use a diaz vibratrem on the JB 100 6L6 amp for solos and I dont use the two rock anymore.
4. I use a delayed reverb chorus on the Van Weelden for which I now Have two.. One for the states and one for Europe
5. And the fuzzface is run through the superlead only..
Again most of it will change this year.. Im bored and feel like changing a few things around..
Joe B
Thanks Joe!
I will add it, and be suspicious for your new effect board!
So Joes new set up will be?????????
3 combos set up behind him.
1. 59 Bassman
2. Vox AC 30, maybe a JMI AC30
3. Marshall Blues Breaker
Maybe a Vox Wah, Dulop Fuzz, Ocean Effects Pearl or Texas Deuce, Java Boost, Ocean Effects Vintage Echo.
Guitars- Goldtop, 335, the Gigolatti, a James Trussart Tele, and a Collings 335 copy ( just for kicks)
Thats my prediction....hope.
So the Carol Ann JB100 is replacing the Two Rock CRS now...interesting. I'm glad you are bringing back the tremolo too, I really dig having that tone available. I can't wait to see what new toys Joe breaks out for '09!
Only Joe Bonamassa would "get bored" with a set up like that. BUT NO MORE TWO ROCK?? WHAT THE HELL???
What a dirty vagina.
Only Joe Bonamassa would "get bored" with a set up like that. BUT NO MORE TWO ROCK?? WHAT THE HELL???
What a dirty vagina.
Bwahahahaha, Joe ditching the Two-Rock is already pissing people off more than the economy!
Petabeata89 wrote:Only Joe Bonamassa would "get bored" with a set up like that. BUT NO MORE TWO ROCK?? WHAT THE HELL???
What a dirty vagina.
Bwahahahaha, Joe ditching the Two-Rock is already pissing people off more than the economy!
I don't think Joe ever really ditches much, things come, things go, things come back etc etc. He uses what he feels like using. If one amp is delivering better at a particular job at a particular time, he will use that. They are all just tools at the end of the day.
Just because Joe isn't using a Two-Rock right now isn't anything that should piss anyone off, Mayer and many others still are. They make great amps. Sometimes you feel like a change or one amp is doing better. Hell, I played an old Marshall Plexi last week at a show. I just felt like it. I'm a player and I hear our amps every day. I just needed something different for a night. It was fun.
Alan Phillips
Carol-Ann Custom Amplifiers, LLC
Only Joe Bonamassa would "get bored" with a set up like that. BUT NO MORE TWO ROCK?? WHAT THE HELL???
What a dirty vagina.
Now I've heard everything!
LOL thats pretty funny
I still play a Two Rock, but I don't really count . lol - You must feel pretty cool though Alan that Joe switched the solo tone of the Two Rock over to your stuff. I'd be pretty proud of my amps and work...
Lets get a graphic revision then!
In the video 3 @ Joe's homepage, at 2:30 where he plays the Ballad of J.H., you can see a Marshall amp at the bottom of his rack (left side of the video). Does anybody know for what he uses it??
In the video 3 @ Joe's homepage, at 2:30 where he plays the Ballad of J.H., you can see a Marshall amp at the bottom of his rack (left side of the video). Does anybody know for what he uses it??
Its a diaz reverb tank. I think he said a while back it went into the Two Rock, but now its going into the Carol Ann in his new set up.
Joe Bonamassa Forum → Joe's Guitars, Amps and Gear → Joe's Gear & Amps - overview
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